
Have you ever made a lot of noise just to wake someone up?

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Have you ever made a lot of noise just to wake someone up?




  1. Yes.

    I lived in an apartment on a golf course, and my downstairs neighbour (an 50-something year old lady), had numerous very late and very noisy parties. I spoke to her about it, but she simply ignored me, so one Sunday morning at 05:00 I decided to play the heaviest classical music that I had as loud as my sound system could go. The result was that i woke everyone in the complex, EXCEPT my downstairs neighbour. It turned out that the downstairs neighbour wore a hearing aid, and when she went to be she simply took it out, so NO noise would wake her up after he heavy partying!

  2. Oh yes, more than once. The most disastrous time was when I was round ten years old, wanting me mum up at 6AM. I banged on a cooking pot with metal spoon. She got up so mad that she took a while giving death "I would smack him, but if I start he'll be dead before I stop" looks for an hour before she told me off.

    A right cheeky little chap was I. Not much better now.  

  3. yeah a few weeks ago me and my fella had a big row and he stormed of into the bedroom leaving me in the living room. when i went to bed he'd fell asleep and was sprawled all over my side of the bed. when he had gone to bed though he had left a "Friends" DVD running. so when it started a new episode and the theme tune was playing i picked up the remote. as the theme started to fade out i started to turn the volume up, so to him the sound would have stayed at the same level but then when the actual episode started it was mega loud.

    ive never seen anyone jump so high. Ha ha ha i got my side of the bed back  

  4. Oh Yes - it is one of my favourite passtimes!!!

  5. Yep, visiting a friend who was drunk and passed out before noon, he had his doors locked and we had driven eighty miles to see him.

  6. Yes, I used to have a neighbour would stay up playing music and getting drunk with his mate until On those occasions I decided that my place needed a thorough vacuuming at 8am.  

  7. Not deliberately but I often find if I'm creeping about trying not to wake someone, that's when I end up knocking stuff over, tripping up, bashing into things - etc etc.  

  8. My parents and friends have made a lot of noise to wake me up.  You can hear my alarm clock outside the house when it goes off and I usually sleep through it.

  9. oh yes, ppl have 2 make ALOT of noise 2 wake me up

  10. Of course!!!

    If I'm not asleep why should anyone else be?  Lol!

  11. yEAH

  12. ooh no, not ever - because i would hate somebody doing that to me!!

  13. Oh Yes, but you have to be able to run away quickly, people get nasty when they are awoken with a BANG!

  14. Yes

  15. well years ago i may have, but today i love my peace,& quite  

  16. I remember having this roommate and I'd try to wake him up by switching on the light but he wouldn't still budge or open his eyes. So I was like shocked and amazed as the light never affected his sleep until one day he said the only way he wakes up is by a slight touch on his arm or shoulder and he'll wake up in a flash.

    Amazing contrast and techniques of waking up someone.

    Hope that sheds some share of experience

  17. of course i have especially when they have been on the pi$$ and got themselves one cracking hangover lol :-)

  18. ice, forget noise that is so last year, use ice

  19. Yes, but how about trying to wake someone up quietly?!

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