
Have you ever made any decision which changed your path in life so radically...?

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that if you'd chosen the other way you'd be a totally different person right now?




  1. yes if id said no to my second      friend id be alot more hapier and not as sad cause she was cheating on me

  2. What if what was already laid out before me (and anyone) wasn't a path, but an infinitely branching line of choices?

    You make one choice, and you go down that path. It's not straight, but it's your life. That being said, doesn't EVERY choice change your life in some way or another?

    Last year I was a hardcore Christian (though I didn't thump anyone with Bibles), and since then I've questioned my faith and gone introspectively Agnostic and sometimes I even think we're all just animals following a foolish hope that gets us nowhere as humans. The experiences with shamanic teachings I've had have made me re-think what I thought about spirituality. It's more than the narrow Jesus path I thought it was, because there was something there.

    I've only dreamt of changing my life radically, and lucky for me I'm with someone who shares a bit of the same craziness. And someday we will make a choice and do something great.

  3. Yes several times. Now I wish I had married for money . Also I wish I had waited to go back to Wa. state till my girlfriends sister had gotten married. She ( my girl )was supposed to join me she did not. By the way If the pic. is you God was very kind to yo.

  4. Yes, I wanted to go into interior design but took the route set forth by my parents and became a nurse. So, had I pursued my first choice, I would probably have become a pompous a$$ because I'm not really cut out to be a designer.  That job should go to those with more backbone than I possess.  That's one point for my parents. !! :)

  5. Yes.

    I chose not to give up on life a long time ago.

    Had i not i would not be where i am today ~


  6. I moved from America to Israel.

    This move did change my life.

    Before I moved, I was extremely depressed and without friends.

    Now I am not depressed, and I made friends.

  7. Oh, good Lord, YES!  I've probably said it before...

    About a year and half ago now, I made the life shattering decision to change career paths.  I'd grown to hate where I was, even though it was where I always wanted to be and always worked towards.  I was becoming steadily more stressed and depressed - the complete opposite of my "normal" self.  

    It's an understatement to say it was a rough transition to where I am now.  I'm finally starting to get back to feeling "normal", and being confident in my abilities again...  I shudder to think who, and how, I'd be if I had stayed on that path I was originally on....  

  8. Yes if I had not have taken thatroutt home that day then I would have never been in the bad car accident that changed my life forever. I wish I had of not went to Wal-Mart that day. Thanks and have a blessed  day.

  9. I have made a few such decisions in my life. They have affected my marital status, my employment and my physical location. Had I made different choices, my life would be very different and I'd even view myself differently than I do today.  

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