
Have you ever made one of of those guards at Buckingham Palace move/flinch?

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  1. I tried and had no sucess at all. I heard one sneeze though.

  2. try acting like u are tripping and that u happen to fall on them...ahah

  3. I remember seeing a video about some big black guy...he was about 6'8" 300lbs or something...He was going to tackle one full speed and one moved. I cant even find the video now

  4. one of my friends actually had an entire yes/no conversation with one of them. no one there noticed because the guard would blink once for no and twice for yes. everyone thought she was just being stupid because they never saw him move. she didn't tell anyone until she got back to the states.

  5. People who try are rude and ignorant.  The Brigade of Guards

    has a distinguished military history, and its purpose is not to

    provide amusement for hooligans.

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