
Have you ever made someone cry???

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Have you ever made someone cry???




  1. Yeah, I seem to do that a lot ;[

  2. I try not too, but being  a mom of 3 daughters emotions run high sometimes, it feels a like a daily occurrence.

  3. Yes my brother, I accidentally kicked him in the balls..

    I was asking him to help me put on these high heels of mine which were a tad small

    And he was holding my foot right in front of his nads and I kept pushing and pushing trying to squeeze my foot through and well, I pushed too hard and rammed the heel into his balls...

    Needless to say my brother doesn't help me with my shoes anymore.. lol

  4. Yes.  

  5. Yea in the sixth grade...:(

  6. yup

    i think every1 makes sum1 cry at some stage..

    like even kids do!

  7. yeah, the other day I made my girlfriend cry...I did say I was sorry later

  8. Yes, but not intentionally.

  9. Yes

  10. i made my mommy cry before but i didn't mean what i said ; i love her with all my heart <3

  11. Yeah. I've got into a fight with my old mate from school  and kick him downstairs. But i try my hardest not to upset people

  12. Yea.

    My step mom.

    But I didn't feel bad at all because she's made me cry countless times......

  13. ugh


  14. ya, a couple times when i said no to a date and they did that so i would go out with them

  15. I`m sure I have in the past but never intentionally....

  16. Yes and later I felt bad.......

  17. I'm ashamed to say yes.

  18. *sigh* sadly, yes. It happens quite a lot lately and usually it doesn't happen to me that much b/c I'm a happy-go-lucky kind of person but I really didn't mean to make them cry when that happens. I was just mad at my parents or my friends and suddenly, I let my mean self overpower me and it just happen in a fast blur that I didn't realize it but I felt horriable after that.

  19. Yeh, my bf.

  20. Yeah, a couple of times... not intentionally though. I was sad when I did...

  21. Yes, and it was my classmate's little sister.

    Did I do it on purpose?


    Was I sad?

    Not in the least.

  22. noway.

  23. Who hasn't?  It's inevitable, whether you try to stop it or not.

  24. LOL i love making ppl cry hahah i just had my GF in with me crying. But that wast funny! :(

  25. My Mum... I was a really evil teenager.

    Best of friends now though :)

  26. Yes, I make guys cry when I kick them in the balls. LoLs

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