
Have you ever met a Bandwagon Fan at a Baseball Game

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Have you ever met a Bandwagon Fan at a Baseball Game




  1. EVERY time. Sadly, it seems like every girl that is remotely attractive at the ballpark is a completely, clueless ditz. Theres alot of guys there like that too.

  2. yea in september 07 when i was at a yankee game at fenway (im a sox fan) and jason giambi kept missing the ball at first hes like giambi u suck! not that i cared but w/e lol

  3. Yes.

    There was ROWS full of them at the World Series in 2005.

    I was Sad.

    I Wonder Where they Are Now That the Astros aren't going to the Playoff's.

  4. Yes and  I saw so many I don't need to see anymore.

  5. No, but I know there's a lot out there!

  6. Yes i was at a rays game one day saw a guy with a rays jersey on (rays were in 1st at the time) rays lost and redsox took the lead came back next day no lie he had a redsox jersey on. when i asked him about it he insisted that he was a sox fan and that i was crazy.

  7. It turns out when I went to a Giants game with my friend I noticed that he was one. He went wearing an A's hat, didn't know anything that was going on, and the sad part is that he kept rambling on about nothing. I didn't want to be a jerk to him so I didn't tell him to stop talking. Other than him, I haven't met anyone else. I see them everywhere, though.  

  8. All the time at Yankee Stadium. You can pick them out so quickly.  

  9. Yep. I actually sat by a bandwagon Red Sox fan at Fenway a few weeks ago. She was wearing a Johnny Damon Red Sox jersey and at one point, she asked me if he was injured or sitting out today. I got a laugh out of that one. I think I said, "Try a Yankee game if you're looking for Damon."

  10. I was in Pittsburgh for the second game of Yankees/Pirates.

    There were four girls sitting right in front of me, most wearing Yankees gear. One girl knew what she was talking about, another didn't talk much, and the last two probably weren't sure what sport they were watching.

    At one point, I heard, "I just want to see some fireworks!"

    And then at the end of the game, the girl who knew what she was talking about said something about Wang and his injury (the sting was really recent back then), and the Fireworks girl (who was wearing a Yankees jersey, I believe), was like, "What? His name is CHIEN-MING WANG?! Hahaha!"

    And then the Yankees fan just sort of stared at her and said something about Wang.

    After her laughing fit, Fireworks girl said, "Wait, what happened to Wang? Is he hurt?"

    Yankees fan just ignored her in disgust. I did the same thing.

  11. Every game i go to i always encounter more than one dumb bandwagon fan..

  12. yeah

  13. Yes i have. Met my share of many bandwagon fans especially the recent so-called Rays fans that been coming out of the woodwork lately.

  14. dont get me started.  I went to wrigley this year and saw a stadium full

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