
Have you ever met a "paranormal" creature?

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if yes, what was it?




  1. I met a Sasquatch once at Branigan's named Phil. He worked in the fast food industry. b*****d ran off and left me with the bar tab.

    Come to think of it, maybe it was Ed Asner.

  2. No... I think the only possible "paranormal" anything would be linked to those that once existed in life on this planet.

  3. Haha, Above one's just funny.

  4. yes, a demon from h**l

  5. I haven't, but my mom and her best friend witnessed what they think was a creature....

    About 10 or 11 years ago, they were supposed to meet a business contact on Vancouver Island. My mom was driving, and i guess they got lost. They went the wrong way somewhere and ended up on a dirt road. When they realized that they were in the middle of nowhere, my mom turned the car around and they headed back the way they came. (this is during the middle of the day in broad daylight)

    All of a sudden this THING suction- cupped itself to the passenger side window. not paws, but a bunch of suction cups like a squid. Thay said it had a face kinda like a dog, but it was hard to tell what color it was even in broad daylight. They both thought it was almost green and furry. It had canine like teeth and a really long tounge. it like slobbered all over the side of the car. It jumped off the car just as they left the dirt road and found pavement again.

    My mom is a business owner, and her friend is a social worker. Hard to believe 2 people would imagine the same thing at the same time. They don't drink or do drugs.

    Anyone ever heard of a creature like that before??

  6. I am rationalist and do not believe in such creatures unless they can be proven by science. However, I did see a ghost once in a churchyard. It was just standing there in the mist directly below the light on the church wall. Unfortunately for ghost enthusiasts reading, i later discovered a man shaped gravestone in exactly the same place (the kind with the Celtic cross on top). The combination of the light and mist must have made it appear to be a ghost to me and most sightings of ghosts, i believe, have a rational answer. Almost certainly the reason for people believing in ghosts is survival instinct. Because of our natural will to survive, it is very appealing to believe in life after death. The same applies to religions that promise an afterlife.

  7. Not a ""paranormal" creature", but I did have a close ufo sighting (with family members) many years ago.

  8. I'm only 13 but in the 3 year of trying to find answers to the question of "are ghost real?" I have found things have have gotten my closer to the answer.

    I have seen paranormal things.I have seen a spirt.It was shaped like a man.I wasn't scared but i was amazed, because that was one of my first experiences.That was the thing that got me into the paranormal.

  9. I've met plenty of abnormal creatures, but never a paranormal creature.

  10. I was fired by something unearthly foul posing as social worker

  11. Are you asking about a Cryptozoic creature or a Metaphysical being?

  12. yup! my parents!

  13. I've never met a paranormal creature I didn't like.

    Well, I've never met a paranormal creature at all, truthfully. But if I did I'm sure I'd like him... her... it.

  14. My Mother-in law

    (too easy, I know)

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