
Have you ever met a true homeless person and interviewed them about how they become homeless?

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I did, but what i also need to know is that, Is it because there not following the rule, "live life dont let life live you?




  1. Yes, once -- he was an alcoholic. I bought him some food but didn't want to give him any money.

  2. i've talked with several homeless people.  many have serious mental or physical problems which make working impossible. most are alchoholic, which makes their problems worse.  there are more and more working homeless all the time, too... people who work, but don't make enough money to afford rent, etc.

  3. Made sence what you say but no jobs bad health care no shelter (San Jose Ca) could keep beating one into the ground.I've seen it.

  4. As a nurse in an acute psych ward, I see alot of homeless people that are brought in by police because of cold weather.  Most of them are schizophrenic and just can't live with society.  Some of them even have their own home, but would rather live outside.

      Some are addicted to drugs and alcohol and can't  stop using long enough to get to a shelter or stay with family.

      I haven't seen anyone stay homeless for more than a few days unless that is what they wanted to do.

  5. In the past, I volunteered my time one day a week at a homeless shelter.  I would say that 95% of them were in there because of some sort of substance abuse (alchohol or drugs).  I could also quickly tell from talking to them, which ones were ready to make a life for themselves and which ones weren't.

    The ones that admitted that they messed up, usually did a better job of assimilating back into the "real world".  The ones that blamed others for their problems were doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over, until they realized that they were their own worst enemy.

    P.S.:  I also learned something really sad.  When a homeless person dies, and has no family to claim the body, they are brought to the mourgue.  When they have enough bodies, they are cremated in a mass cremation.  They don't even have their own home as a final resting place.

  6. There's lodes of different reasons. But mostly emotional reasons etc. Most of these people have been through really hard times. It's really sad. I wish I could help them out. It disgusts me when people walk past them and give them horrible looks or say horrible things. People are soo arrogant these days.

  7. I talked to one once. She said that she didn't want to go back and live with her family, even though the offer was there. I think they obviously had some kind of disagreement or something? I think most homeless people are there for a reason though, they don't just decide to. lol.

  8. When I was in college, I met two kids at about 12 and 10 years of age living in the streets . That was 22 years ago. Surprisingly, these brothers previously lived in my own town. I asked them how they survived with that kind of life. The answer was so simple. "We have to because we don't have any place to go, not even a small room to sleep with".

    They elaborated more. The father who is supposed to give them good life stay with the other woman and their mother in return live with another man. Their parents left them without their knowledge and never came back.

    It was a very sad story and unbelievable, the two young boys are trying to search for their own family while also searching for foods that they're going to eat. There is no home!!!!except they go together for survival.

    What can I do at that time, I'm still studying and belongs to a poor family. No chance at all to share shelter for these two kids. i felt disappointed but that is the cycle of life.

    Life is full of sacrifices and mystery but these young boys has the courage to face what God has given to both of them. I don't even know if they survive or became criminal in their area.

    Sad experience, isn't it?

  9. I don't think that statement leads to homelessness.  It may lead to less education but it doesn't keep people from working.  The homeless I've met 1) alcoholic vets, 2) mental-won't clean themselves, run away because social contact too stressful, childlike adult. 3) Native American wanting to see the country and not be on a reservation.  Since it's Thanksgiving, I want to tell you a story.  I worked in retail one year.  It was Thanksgiving and I didn't get to eat because it was too busy.  I was able to get free pizza from a store about to close and went outside to eat. There was homeless vet looking for the local liquor store and I asked if he had eaten, of course no, and the two of us ate free pizza on Thanksgiving and it was good because we were starving.

  10. I have and it was drug and alcohol addiction that led to them being homeless. I never heard that adage.

  11. I've never talked to anyone that was truly homeless, but I've got my theories. My hunch is that whether homeless people realize it or not, they "choose" to be homeless.  I know that sounds mean, but, take the case of the homeless person being offered to live with relatives but not taking up that offer. That person CHOSE to not take the offer for whatever reason - pride, stubborness, or unwillingness to bury the hatchet over old arguments. No one should have to drag someone in off the street if they choose not to gratefully accept shelter that's offered.

      Although I know there are probably exceptions (like mental illness), I think many homeless people choose to be homeless by CHOOSING not to work and therefore not having money to keep a roof over their heads. I think some homeless people CHOOSE to drink up or shoot up whatever money they have, leaving no money over for rent. I think some homeless people CHOOSE to be homeless because they are on the run from the law, and if they have an "address" they'll be easier to catch.

      I also think that the newly popular catch phrase "live life don't let life live you" is meant to be a heads up for not letting your life get too stressed with unnecessary stuff.  But some people use it as a mantra or excuse for not working and taking responsiblility for themselves.

      I am, actually, a liberal, so know in my "head" that there are exceptions. However, I've worked for everything I've ever had, so this opinon comes from what I know and have learned in my 54 years on this planet.

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