
Have you ever met a young woman who's really "anti-feminist" or "old-fashioned" in her views on gender roles?

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Do you find it quaint? I knew a Russian lady who believed that "Western" women have "betrayed their men" through feminist ideas, and not wanting traditional married life, yadda yadda. I found it quaint, considering she was quite young (in her early 30s).




  1. I've never met a woman from my society who believes she is inferior to men. All my female friends and aquiantances as well as most male friends, believe women to be equal to men and think nothing of "traditional roles". To be honest, in my generation it seems traditional to be a feminist, and archaic to believe one should restricted in her rights. For women who believe they do not deserve such rights, I suppose the relatively recent case of R v R means nothing to you? Yes, before that case, it was legal for husbands to rape their wives; something I for one, would not like to endure.

  2. I am, and I agree with the woman from Russia.

  3. Reminds me of "The mothership". But then again she was indoctrinated by her wierdo parents.

  4. No, women in my life are progressive, modern, human beings.

  5. No, but I run into quite a few women who aren't aware of the fact (or more likely, choose to ignore the fact) that most of the decisions they are free to make about their lives today were due to the progressive thinking and actions of feminists.  Today, they choose to turn their back on these ground breaking women while enjoying the rights for which they fought.

  6. It's so refreshing to see a truly empowered woman that does whatever the h**l she wants and doesn't look to "mother feminism" for approval.

    It's refreshing to see women take a look around and realize that both men and women face sexism and both have areas that need improvement and hold themselves accountable for things in their own life.

    It's sad to see all of the women going around embittered towards men and standing in the way of their own happiness.

    All because of sexist and "one-sided" teachings.

    I feel sorry for them.

    I really do.

  7. You sound like another patronising feminist. Is it not politically correct that every woman agrees with you? Sorry but they don't.

  8. Only on this forum. Most of the women I've met in real life are progressive about gender relations, but very few call themselves feminists.

  9. Frankly yes, ALL the time.. They're the ones whose marriages last , just so you know.... Perhaps you need to crawl out from under your rock more often !

  10. Yea lots of them. I don't live around a bunch of lunatics.

  11. feminism died in the 70's

    Most femiist aren't even sure what they're fighting for nowadays.. but they still feel "oppressed "

    I know theres plenty of women out there that make more money than I do, that have more power than I do...


    What i hate is seeing a job that I want, and am qualified for, given to a less qualified woman because of the fact of GENDER.

    sexism still exists today.. Only it's been reversed..

    People refuse to believe it, but in today's society in america, the white man is the most oppressed group out there.

  12. yeah ive meet a couple who wont to back to the old way of life, its just like hmm okay im going over there

  13. Yep me.  I was raised that way.  I think that is why my husband married me.  To put it nicely, he has had a few relationships, one that lasted 8 years, but she lacked the old fashion mantality and she lost him.  He said he thought he would never get married...he just didn't know he hadn't met me yet!

  14. A lot of Russian women have discovered how truly exhausting 'having it all' is and are sick of it.  For decades they've had to go out to work, do all the housework, cooking etc as well and are absolutely knackered.  They don't want to do it any more.

    Some years ago there was an advertising campaign on TV here in the UK for a combined shampoo and condition called 'Wash and Go'.  The ads showed young women who were so busy that they didn't have time to wash their hair and condition it seperately, "I want to wash my hair and go" they said.  However, when this campaign was shown in russia, it failed completely.  russian women are apparently sick of having to do everything on the go and never have time for anything.  When they wash their hair they want to be able to take their time.

    Frantic overwork and exhaustion has lost its appeal for many russian women, hence their enthusiasm for 'traditional' married life.

  15. No, can't say I have.

    Except here (and at least some of these are blokes), but not sure if that counts as 'meeting' them.

    Cheers :-)

  16. Onre of my best friends at school was hindu and she was happy that she would have an arranged marriage, and that her brotheres who were younger could do what they wanted but she had to be chaparoned. Although talking to her again on facebook recently she'd actually run off with someone she loved...

  17. Yes, myself. I've always been traditionally minded, and I think gender roles are mainly biological. I hope to have a traditional marriage, with the man as the breadwinner and me staying at home with the children. I wouldn't say I'm anti-feminist; I still believe in equality and I accept that not everyone will fit into a set role. But I celebrate the differences between men and women, and I don't like the idea of neutralising the genders. (I'm 27.)

  18. Mostly only on here.

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