
Have you ever met an Honest car sales person?

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Have you ever met an Honest car sales person?




  1. When I was in high school we were looking for a new full sized van. My sister is in a wheelchair, and we needed a van that was compatible with the rear door wheelchair lift we had on our older van (lifts are VERY expensive). Unfortunately, most vans on the market could not accommodate our lift.

    Well, we finally found one, and talked to the salesman about all the trouble we were having. He ended up selling us the van below invoice (it was brand new), and even got us some sort of grant from the manufacturer to have the old lift moved into the new van for free.

  2. Yes I have.  He was the sweetest and nicest guy!  He was very patient at explaning everything to me.  He was not pushy, agressive or rude.  I would have bought the Honda from him had I not change my mind to an Acura instead.

  3. yes, i can honestly say though that most are vultures, and too pushy, but ive met a few that i really got a good feeling from, who felt passionate about what they were selling, and honestly want people to get the best car for their money. most of these honest car sales persons ive met were at honda dealerships, and one at a mazda, but ive been to ford-lincoln-mercury, gm, chrysler, and most there i get a bad vibe from. toyota had some that were nice, but still they just wanted the sale more than anything else i think.

  4. I don't think that theres such a thing as "Honest Car Saleman" is there??

    My parents went to try a van out along time ago and the dealer ship took there keys to there car, and then when they came back from testing driving the dealer ships car, they refused to give my mom her own car keys back.. To say the least, they got there own keys back and never went back.. Such jerks...

  5. yes.i have dealt with a few saturn salemen when i went to buy my oldest son's car.most saturn salesmen are the best salesmen you will ever deal with.saturn has a very satisfying buying experience

  6. Well I guess that you met the wrong one! I will tell you that not all sales persons are out to rip you off in fact most have little use for the jerk that does rip customers off. Repeat car sales is the bread and butter of a car salesman. The way that a sales person gets resales is by being honest and providing the best service that he can for his customers.

    As long as we are talking about being honest let's see do you think that there are any really honest buyers out there? I mean when they bring the cars in for trade they often try to hide stuff that is wrong with the car. they pull mates over where the dog crapped on the carpet, they take the car down to their buddy that does some body repairs and then has them paint the back end where they had just a little body work done and hey hope that it isn't caught in the dealers lot before the trade takes place, or they hide mileage, disconnect warning lights, fill the exhaust system with steel wool to quiet down a muffler that needs to be replaced, and a whole host of other things. I think that there is plenty enough room for blame to go around

    When you go to a dealership look for the old guy that doesn't look like a sharpie talk to him. listen to what he has to say and if you feel like he is trying to stiff you then remove yourself and go to the manager and ask to work with another sales person. I can tell you if I was going into a new dealership to buy a car I would ask to talk to the new car sales manager and I would ask him who was his longest employed sales and then I would ask to use him as my sales person. The reason that I would do this is because the sharpies are the ones that are here today and gone tomorrow The oldest guy is there because he does not lie. I will add that if you feel like you have been lied to then you should also tell the manager or the owner neither of them want that kind of a person working for them.

  7.!   Just ask me!

  8. One at an Audi Dealer.

  9. Yes there are many honest car sales persons - unfortunately they do not last very long at that job.

  10. Yes, they are out there. Its not so much honesty as much as its a job they need to make money too.

  11. Yes. The man who sold us our car was a very nice and honest man. We haven't had any problems with our car and he still e-mails us on how we are doing with it! (we bought the car a year ago). It wasn't an expensive car either. However, most of the car salesmen I've come across are scum.

  12. Yes.  I'd say 95% of car salesmen give the rest of them a bad name.

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