
Have you ever met anyone that you suspected might be an alien from another planet or a different dimension?

by Guest59233  |  earlier

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What tipped you off?




  1. nope, aliens do not exist

  2. Ive only come to see a spirit of an entity from another dimension...but not in another person...But there is an interesting story/ experience by a Megynne, who experienced something of a demon , its an interesting story...Its been posted in Joes paranormal site, who is a regular here...there is no link straight to her if you want to read it....go to this link....  

    Then go straight to stories..... Her story is named " Demon story"....

    Joe hosts a paranormal interest radio show in Chicago every week, and i usually listen to it, I heard  Megynnes Interview live as she spoke of her experience.......

  3. No but I've met someone who claims to be psychic, and someone who has 'visions' of demons and wars (but I'm almost positive he's schizophrenic). Nice guys, both of them. The reasons I don't think they're aliens:

    1) Why bother living among a less advanced race when you can conquer them?


    2) It's highly improbable that they're advanced enough to get all the way to Earth from another planet, let alone another dimension.

  4. A number of them.  

    The one that comes most immediately to mind was a man sitting at first base at a blackjack table.  Strange looking hombre with ice-cube glasses, and a fumbling, distracted way about him.

    He would have passed more easily as a caricature in a bizarre movie than as a real person, though he was as real as the rest of us, I suppose.  The guy was playing as though the entire concept of games was foreign to him.  

    It was a face-up shoe game and the 50th time he reached out to fiddle with his betted chips or his cards [verboten] and the dealer reminded him he said, "I'm sorry.  I've been drinking all day."

    Dealer chuckles:  "What have you been drinking?"

    1st Base:  "Water."

    The man never smiled.  Neither did the rest of us.

  5. I have met a number of abnormal people in my time on Earth.  Many did indeed seem out of this world and some others didn't appear to have much regard for the social mores we have here, but I'm fairly certain this was due more to a mental imbalance than to an extra-terrestrial origin.


  7. Not yet! Although, I have met a few I thought were from another planet.

  8. What damensions do you believe in because there is a realm of the spirit for those that dont  no or believe.

  9. I did pick up this guy who was hick hiking.  He was an alien if they do exist. He didn't seem to understand anything that was going on around him and he looked like he was different under his skin.  Like he was wearing a people suit.  He talked like the words were mixed up and you had to put them in the right order.  There was really some wrong about him he didn't seem human.  He may have been an evil spirit or demon.

  10. yes, my in-laws. They seem to have no manners or no concern about social norms.

  11. This is to bizzare...this week at work another employee and myself were discussing many subjects..very boring day..and had some discussion on all..except the last...I asked if he believed aliens live among us...don't know why that came spilling out of my mouth...he answered yes..and it was the only subject we did not discuss..we both said nothing more..does that mean he or I are aliens..NO..does it mean we feel we know something we do not want to discuss..YES.  If we think we are alone we are for other dimensions..if you look back at some of the greatest people in history...Einstein...Plato...and many other great thinkers or inventors...don't you think they were of another dimension...I just don't think they knew it...NOW..try this on for size..many times I feel we are in a time warp...that we have gone beyond and for some reason got stuck in one...I think about it a lot..and I am perfectly sane in case you were wondering

  12. In one of my graduations, the validictorian gave a whimsical estimation of what would happen to various graduating students (it was a small school). When she called my name, her prognostication was that I "would be an experimental martian for NASA". I guess some have thought I was an alien.

  13. Yes..and I don't want to talk about it.

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