
Have you ever met/seen a Jonas Brothers fanBOY???

by  |  earlier

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I think my little brother is one. (And he's only ELEVEN....!!!)




  1. no not realy !!!!!

  2. My cousin.

    It annoys me so much sometimes, like, he won't admit he is one but I totally know he is. Even if he was I wouldn't care. His little 5 year old sister is a huge JoBro fan too, but hey she's 5 sooo..

  3. ya one of my friend (he's a guy) likes them

  4. I've never met a Jonas fan in person period, fanBOY or fanGIRL.

  5. there's one i've seen in TMZ

    some guy from American Idol , loves them , he had a huge sign saying " IM THE GR8EST FAN ,love JB .. blah " , he's like 20+ .

    the oldest one i've ever seen!!  

  6. No, I don't think I want to. Fangirls are enough for me.

    I like them, but I'm not obsessed.

  7. No, all my guy friends hate their guts and so does my brother.

  8. one of my guy friends is. he has their cd, went to one of their concerts, and even has a favorite.

  9. i seen one at the concert last night.(my friend was taking me, cause she won tickets for front row and stuff).

    There was 23,000 girls there.... and one 6 year old little poor boy.

    I kinda felt bad for him, cause he looked like he didnt want to be there.

    And he probably went blind when he saw how some girls were dressed in only Neon Clothes.... i know i did.

  10. No...and i hope never to the music today sucks

  11. no

  12. Sadly, I have. I immediately jumped to the conclusion that they were in love.

    We MUST take down the fans that keep spamming Jonas Brothers c**p!

  13. YES! my bff's little brother and his friends are always singing and talking about how cool they are and im like there not cool ther HOT!

  14. yh lol my mate i made him come to the concert with me and he liked it but hes not like a over fan if you get me lol


  15. every guy in my there a problem?

    the JoBros rock!!!

  16. yup my cousin who is 12 is one!  

  17. Yeah. Some of the guys who are my friends on facebook are fans of Jonas Brothers. but guess how old they are............16-19 year olds. Its kinda surprising and weird. But none of the guys at my school like them.  

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