
Have you ever met someone like this?

by Guest45083  |  earlier

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Have you ever met someone who is like 13 or older but acted like a 40-year-old? I met this guy who was 16 and he acted like he was middle-aged. He was very mature but at the same time he lacked the vivacity that most teenagers had. How come some teenagers act as if they are middle-aged?




  1. Because they're mature for their age? What else would it be? Why did you have to ask this? Isn't it kinda simple and self explanitory?

  2. i did and i think they are just mature or not themself.

  3. I am mature for my age. But there is a limit.

    One of my friends is also 14, but he acts like a 40 year old.

    I think he wants to be more self important/independent.  

    But the thing is, a lot of people dont like him for it.

    and it bothers me too.

    he comes of as highnosed and conceited.

    but for this sixteen year old lacking vivactiy, maybe he is depressed or just in a hard spot, you know. maybe he had to grow up fast.

  4. I know someone exactly like that, who I really admire. Some people are raised in a more mature environment, or they just choose to do things which shape their minds, so they grow emotionally a lot faster. With people my age (16) spending all their time texting or playing video games, it's a relief to find someone who is less attached to the material world and loves things that adults tend to love more.

  5. No, but i wish Ive had

    i love mature people

  6. It's just their nature.... who they are..This is assuming that they weren't acting in an attempt to seem mature or impress someone..

  7. I have met a guy who is 12 but he was 8 when I met him and he acted like a 19 major geek in chem! lol i just like my sisters boyfriend major geek in chem lol

  8. I am sort of like that, it is because he is shy. I am not really outgoing unless i am comfortable with the people around me, and the only way i act otherwise is pretty mature, as to not be seen weird by other people, however...around my good friends, they all know I'm a total goofball;D if the people you are reffering to are anything like me, I'd say that is why.

  9. teenagers are usually dramatic and dumbasses...

  10. Yes. However how well do you know him? Just because he was acting very mature when you saw him doesn't mean he's always that way. When I look at myself I think I'm very mature but in some circumstances I'll be silly just for fun so don't be so quick to judge someone before you know them.

    He might be very silly when talking with his friends sometimes. You would be very suprised.

  11. be cause most children (teenagers) are more mature than others duh!!!

  12. Maybe he's gone through big life changing things to make him grow up quicker? It could be anything!

  13. Haha they are actually mature!!

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