
Have you ever met someone who was just interested in a friendship and you got the wrong idea from it?

by  |  earlier

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I thought this guy that have been talking to is interested in me so I would take hours to get ready to see him .I even invited him to my place.I think he sensed it because he hinted me that it just friendship and he enjoys my company that’s it. He didn't tell me directly but I got the hint.

It’s embarrassing




  1. It has happened before.  But there are a couple of things you can do.  One, apologize for being mistaken.  Nothing ridiculous or overdone.  Just an "I'm sorry I misinterpreted things."  You could also state that you would like to continue being friends, and that you would be open to the option of things going further (if at some time in the future that option becomes available).

    Despite how embarrassing it was, make sure to let him know you'd like to remain friends (assuming that you want to do so).

  2. I know it is but thank God he told you up front. There are alot of guys who use women and tell them after that they only wanted "be friends". he's a good dude.

  3. i know how you feel. but you'd rather be friends with him than nothing at all right? just take it in stride and appreciate what you have. who knows maybe you can convince him that you need to be more than friends

  4. I knwo how you feel, I've done that before.. It is embarrassing i have to agree but you cant really do anything now you just have it let it go cause you guys can still be friends but now you know a little more then before :D

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