
Have you ever milked in goat?

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Seems they aren't as easy going about it as cows. Wanna share?




  1.   Yes I have, have never had a problem milking them.

  2. Those billy goats seem to give me the most trouble,can't get them to hold still

  3. No I never have but strangly enough its one of the things I want to learn how to do.

    My kids are all allergic to cows milk so they drank goats milk instead. I used to buy it from a farm and I became quite fond of the little beggars. They are lovely animals and have such nice faces.

    I would just love to have land of my own and have some milking goats.

  4. yesrs ago ,it's in my list of

    "at least i tried it"

  5. Yes I have milked goats.  I currently milk around 10 MiniNubian does a day.  I milked 30 twice a day for a friend once (all by hand!).  

    Goats milk tastes GREAT if it is properly handled.  Doesn't taste much different than whole fresh cow's milk.  If it is not milked in a CLEAN environment, cooled quickly or if the does live with bucks... Then you can get a bad taste to the milk.  If correctly handled, it's the greatest milk on the planet.

    Oh, and in response to one of the answers... you can't milk a billy goat - a billy is a MALE meat goat! LOL

    Some goats are easier to milk than others, just like cows.  It depends on the individual goat's temperament and udder.

  6. sure have, put them in a stanchion, give them some grain and they stand still. Their milk makes great cheese, altho I don't like it to drink, too sweet.

  7. I have milked a goat, but never in goat.

    When I was a kid, myself and my sisters would visit my uncle and his family for the summer and they had kids who were allergic to cow milk, so they raised goats.  Nasty tasting stuff in my opinion.

  8. Once I tried.

    Did have a nanny goat and her twin kids once but never milked her, gave her back to her owner when the kids got weaned.

    Then gave the kids back to him too when the girls lost interest in them.

  9. Yes I certainly have. We had Ethel our Goat for 10 years or more she bought my children up with her milk. My late husband named her after my mother. who incidently was Capricorn . She had her own shed and pen then we would tether her in our small paddock during the day. To milk her I would go to her in the morning to her shed and tie  her by her collar and against the wall . She would like to kick sometimes and there was the occassion when her foot kicked the bucket or ended up in it. I learn't mostly to be quicker than her. Mostly I was succesful but on occassions I would have to milk with one hand and hold her leg with the other. To milk you squeeze not pull. We all loved Ethel  

  10. I have six goats at the moment, only one of which I am milking. They are very easy to milk and best of all you only have two teats to deal with!

  11. No I have not, nor a cow either. I was chased by a cow once. I didn't know he was curious about the dog running in front of me, I thought he was after me. I ran running and screaming across the field like a mad woman and even jumped a small creek and landed on my bottom. My hubby fell down laughing, he thought it was so funny!!    Poppy

  12. I have never been near a goat. I have only been near cows at a state fair when I was a kid. I would be scared to milk either. Just what is up with a goat's eyes? Their irises look like theyre triangular instead of round.......scary......

  13. no...from the city

  14. We raise pygmy goats, so I have had plenty of experience milking goats. I personally think it is much easier than milking cows - only 2 teats to worry about. We built a stanchion with  scraps of lumber and put them in it with a feed bucket and go to town. The only time I have had to do this is if the mother rejects the baby for whatever reason and we have to bottle feed it.  

  15. My grandpa taught me how to milk a goat when I was a little girl.

  16. Goats are one of the neatest creatures around, I have milk them without any problems.  

  17. No, can't say I have. We have a lot of gray squirrels..............noooooooooooooo way

  18. Yes, last fall when I was in Nairobi, Kenya.  I had the pleasure of spending some time with the Maasai and one of the Maasai warriors showed my niece and I how to milk a goat.  It's similar, yet very different from milking a cow.  The Maasai drink it warm, straight from the goat.  I couldn't bring myself to try it.

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