
Have you ever missed someone... although they were still around you?

by  |  earlier

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but you missed their real self, missed the things they used to say and, for one reason or another, they didn't anymore?




  1. Where have you been??!! ;)

    Just kidding, but yes -I have seen relatives of mine who were suffering with illness, unable to be the way they had been in the past because they were overcome with pain. They were still alive, but not the same person they had been -a part of them had died already, even as they continued to live. Sometimes watching as they moved closer to death was more painful than the death itself.

  2. As Y/A suggests, I will "Use any personal experience or knowledge you might have."  (And, also according to them, "have a lot of punctuation".

    Yes.  People change over time - you and the other person.  There is a relative who used to be really close to me when we were children.  I mean "close" as in seemingly reading each other's thoughts, always being together, and knowing everything about each other.  We were like siblings.  Over the years, something inexplicable happened - we grew apart.  It was like one day we were laughing and having fun together, and the next we barely know what to say to each other.  We see each other at family gatherings, but never really talk.  When we do, it's stilted; we grasp at straws.  Our views differ on so many things now.

    Part of me wants to go back to that time of innocence and laughter.  The rest of me realizes that people never stay the same.  You either change together, or grow apart.  That ebb and flow is a part of life.

  3. Hmm, what a sad question!

    I would have to say yes.  I too, during divorce, found it peculiar how much people can change and become something you don't even recognize.

    I have always thought it strange when people, who you were once so close to, become distant and "not themselves."  You try to hang on to how things used to be, but you know it will never be the same.  It's heart wrenching.  

    I hope whatever it is you're going through is resolved soon.  Have you talked with them about this change?  Hang in there.

  4. no, but once I felt I missed a friend very deeply because it came to me I had been apart from her for hundreds of years.

  5. Yes i did, though i still do some times.

    But thank God i realized/accepted that, i was not just meant to be with that person all the now, when i feel like saying hello, i just send a message and vise- vase and life goes on.

    I also believe that, it doesn't matter what or how the other person feels, the most important thing is how you feel.Because, you will be able to let go when you realize that,you deserve better. Just keep the good memories.

    Thanks for asking dear.

  6. i miss people who use to be around me but arent anymore  i have also missed people who were around me but things had changed so much

  7. I always miss me...

  8. Of course.  People change, and sometimes that change causes them to differ from who you liked, or the parts of their person that you liked.  When some kids break out into groups during school, jocks, nerds, what have you, old friends are lost.  Your best friend from grade school could still live right across the street, and before you know it, you two haven't even spoken in a year.  It can be sad, but that's life.

  9. When my former wife and I were getting divorced, I missed the person whom I married.  She probably felt the same.

  10. yes. that is why i am not with them now

  11. yes

  12. What I always miss, is my unfulfilled expectations..

    It is not that somebody else stops doing something. It is that I expect them to do something else from what they do.  This is what I miss : That, other thing...thing!

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