
Have you ever moved back in with your parents after along time? Did they DRIVE YOU NUTS?

by Guest45520  |  earlier

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Have you ever moved back in with your parents after along time? Did they DRIVE YOU NUTS?




  1. Sometimes but I wouldn't have had it any other way it felt great actually after fourteen years to come back to my Mom and we had twenty great years together before she passed and I wouldn't trade a second of it.

  2. Yes and yes.  

  3. sometime

  4. Yes and yes.  I love them to death but I jus got used to doing things my own way.  I'm glad I only planned on living there for a month til I got the things that I needed straightened out.

  5. Yes! I moved back with my parents now after 4 years.. and now I feel like I'm 16 again, having them ask me where I'm going all the time... making me feel like I shouldn't stay out until whenever I want... I had been used to doing my own thing all the time...ugh...I love them, but they do make me nuts  a lot.

  6. Yes, and no - I drove them nuts just like I had done before I moved out.  My parents were two of the coolest most easy going people I have ever met.  Strict but for good reason, understanding and very "real".

    I only stayed about 6 months.

  7. Yep, I'm in the same situation; however, my parents aren't so much the problem as my brother. He drives me even more nuts and my grandmother also lives there and she is a loud Greek women who shouts when she talks, because that's just how she talks. I love them all but you just have to except them the way they are and save and move out. That way u will appreciate them more but in small doses.

  8. I did and I did go crazy.  The main thing was that I came back from college with a masters degree at the age of 22 and still my parents asked me to be home by 10;30 when I was back, after I have lived along in Manhattan for a year and a half.

    Granted this was 20 years ago ... and I was brought up in a very rigid environment.  I got married 5 month later ....

  9. Technically, no, we didn't "move back" together. but my parents came over and stayed at ours for 3 and a half months when my baby's born.

    they came to help out, and i thank them loads.

    they're wonderful parents and we have very good relationship.

    however, i have to admit that living together for so long isn't as nice as how it was when i was still a child at home.

    they didn't drive me nuts, but i don't think i can live with them for a very long time, unless we have a HUGE house and we all have our own separate space/different kitchen,bathrooms etc. hahaha

    i am a clean/tidy freak whilst they're those who love to put things in any easy-to-reach positions!

  10. parents never drive u nuts if u are a good kid

  11. yes! Moved back in after...4-5 years, a marriage, a kid and... a soon-to-be divorced.

    They actually don't drive me as nuts as they used to, except for the fact that my mom keeps asking me if I've vacuumed (i vacuum every 2 days!!!). Other than that, they are pretty fun to live with:D

  12. Have you been spying on me???

  13. yes, but did you realise that you drive them nuts too!

    They finally think they have raised you and you are outta their hands, then, bam! you pop up again!!


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