
Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot,anyone going faster than you is a maniac

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Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot,anyone going faster than you is a maniac




  1. yesssssssss

  2. Anybody going slower than chuck norris is a duck!

  3. Yes, I felt it too.It's because , everybody's reference point is himself.Man tends to judge the things with reference to his attitude,assumption,belief and experience.It's a common thing.There is nothing to feel bad or feel good about it.

  4. YESS...YESS!!!

  5. I agree!!

    Everyone thinks they are right, the best, perfect.

    Which makes everyone else look wrong, alien, weird.

    We can be selfish at times but not notice until someone like you brings up a question like this.


    THANKS for the question!!

    * 4 u

  6. deep


  7. Oh, of course!! I'm the only normal driver on the road (LOL).

  8. yea that makes sence.  

  9. I noticed this is a joke by the late great George Carlin.

  10. that sounds like you're describing road rage, i have noticed

  11. that's a George Carlin quote. give credit where credit is due!  

  12. yup

  13. I notice it all the time, good to know I'm not the only one who feels this way!

  14. Yep.

  15. Alright - get the #@$& outta my brain....  ;)

  16. what is normal anymore

  17. Lol..yes!  : )   Very funny....

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