
Have you ever noticed a denialist delete their question when you post an answer they really don't like?

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Alarmist - Denialist

Denier - Alarmer

Hmmm... I'll go with Alarmist. I'm sounding the alarm. I'm ok with that.

I think denying the science of climate change is alarming.

I'll arm strong your den aisle, best of three. (groan)

As in, some day you'll be all grown up and ready to have a real conversation.

The defining characteristic of the bully is that they can dish it out but not take it.




  1. No I've never seen that.

    Have you ever considered that your refusal to accept that the theory of global warming may be wrong or totally natural is denial itself?

  2. There are many  questions that get deleted by yahoo and not by the asker.  

    As for the science behind the  doom sayers (they remind of Nostradamus believers, every ten years they say we have ten years left) being sound, there are many skeptics who are in the whose whose of science.  

    From a speech by Lawrence Solomon:

    The fears of cataclysm over global warming are unfounded. There is no consensus on climate change, despite what Al Gore and the UN’s Panel on Climate Change would have you believe. Let me tell you why most people think that global warming is a serious problem. It comes down to one number:  2500. That’s the number of scientists associated with the UN’s Panel on Climate Change that the press reports has endorsed the UN Panel’s conclusions. These are the conclusions that get released in the UN’s mammoth reports every six years or so, and that then dominate the media airwaves for weeks. “2500 scientists can’t be wrong,” the press always says, explicitly or implicitly. Without that number, it would have no basis for the claim that they repeat over and over again - that there’s a consensus on climate change.  2500 is an impressive number of scientists. To find out who, exactly, they were, I contacted the Secretariat of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and asked for their names. The Secretariat replied that the names were not public, so I couldn’t have them. And I learned that the 2500 scientists were reviewers, not endorsers. Those scientists hadn’t endorsed anything. They had merely reviewed one or more of the literally hundreds of background studies, some important and some not, that were part of this immense United Nations bureaucratic process. They did not review the final report or endorse it.

    Their reviews weren’t even all favorable. I know that from many sources, including from among some of the scientists that I profiled - several of the deniers in my book are among those 2500. And those deniers, and others, generally consider the UN’s work a travesty. There is no endorsement by 2500 top UN scientists. The press has been taken. And so the public has been taken.

    The extent to which the public has been taken may surprise you. Not only is there no consensus, the scientists who are skeptics - the deniers - have extraordinary credentials, people at the very top echelons of the scientific establishment. They are the Who’s Who of Science. Not only do they disagree with the UN conclusions, they often value CO2 for the benefits it provides the planet - satellite data shows the planet is now the greenest it has been in decades. Until recently, after all, CO2 was universally viewed as Nature�s fertilizer.

    If these top scientists are right, you are being attacked without justification. You are being painted as criminals and your children are being made to feel ashamed of what you do. You are being victimized, in a modern form of shunning. Your present strategy of lying low and hoping all this will pass has gotten you nowhere. You need to make your case, factually and frankly. The public will be skeptical of your arguments, as it should be. But if your critics can’t counter your factual arguments, it is your critics who will fail. You need to decide.  Do you want to go on being attacked for something that may be laudable, for producing CO2 may well be laudable? Do you want to go on feeling guilty out of public ignorance of where scientists truly stand on the global warming issue? On global warming, the science is not settled. You have the facts on your side. But facts will count for naught as long as you see the battle as lost.

    Edit:  Can you tell me were you came up with the 98% figure?

    Lawrence Soloman is part of Energy Probe, an organization, that has long been critics of the energy industry. They have opposed Arctic pipelines and tar sands that they consider to be ill-advised. They have opposed nuclear plants and big dams. They favour conservation and renewable energy.  Sound like someone in the pockets of big oil.

    Edit#2:  You criticize the deniers for being ignorant of the science, but I do not think you have ever heard of their arguments, or else you would not have talked about increases in co2 being dangerous.  Most of the skeptics acknowledge that increases in co2 will increase temperatures.  They are skeptics because they do not believe that strong positive feedbacks will take over to cause catastrophic warming.  This science based on positive feedbacks IS NOT 100 years old.  If you are going to criticize us, at least make counter arguments based on our stance.

    For more info read this.

  3. Nope, but I did get blocked by a certain denier after answering a question.

  4. Have you noticed that if a question is deleted no one sees ever it?

  5. That's disingenuous of you - questions disappear because they're deleted.   The real question is, have you ever noticed that questions that alarmists can't answer get reported and deleted?

    Which is more "endangered" - the polar bears or a question or answer about the MWP?

  6. Yes, I have noticed that.  In fact, I think it was just yesterday that I answered a question and then went looking for other answers today and couldn't find the question.  I don't believe that a person should be allowed to delete a question once it has received an answer.  I also don't think someone should be able to hide their questions and answers.  If they're too embarrassed about them to let people see them, they shouldn't be on here.

  7. No I haven't noticed that.  I have noticed that they'll report all of my questions and are pretty successful at getting them deleted (2 of the last 3).  Deniers are all about playing games.

  8. Yes.

    I view it as a particular badge of honor, even better than 10 thumbs down on a thoughtful answer, substantiated by scientific links to proof.

    Dana - Appeal the deletions.  I find that it usually works.

  9. I think no one can deny the current climate changes.....

    however, not realizing that there still no evidence that those changes are the result of human greenhouse gas emissions.... THAT'S WHAT I CALL DENIAL....

  10. Dish it out and not take that why I have so many of my questions reported and deleted here?

    Dr. Blob, and do you sound the alarm while driving an SUV?  Just wondering. :(

  11. What you really mean is that the alarmists have questions deleted that they can't answer without proving themselves wrong.  Yeah, I've noticed it but lefties are unethical people, what can you do?

  12. Nope, never saw that ever.

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