
Have you ever noticed all the arguing and fighting?

by  |  earlier

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that goes on in the english section..they are worse than we can't blame bigotry or sectarianism in there can do you think its natural for all footie fans to have a go at their rivals..or is it just the anonymity of the keyboard that makes us say the things we do on here




  1. Yes and it's that Deano that causes all the

  2. You might be right.

    Think the rivalry between Mankychester United and Liverpool fans eclipses even the Old Firm at the moment-it is undiluted hatred-even more so as the Mankys have closed to within 1 title (17-18)of the mighty Liverpool.Still,not to worry-they're still 2 European Cups behind.  

  3. the Man U and liverpool fans are bad...hate each other with a passion..Man U and City fans tend to throw some shite at each other but generally I have seen them on their derby days having a pint together watching the match..imagine us doing that? lol

    Did'nt it used to be Millwall fans that were the bad ones...they don't shout so much since they were relegatd though

    I think it's football in general but can honestly say after watching both...Rangers and Celtic are the worst off here...but on here we are all as bad as each other

  4. They are english therefore they suck.they even trashed their own manchester because they didnt  have a team in the final.only joking knucklescrapers,i know it was really scotlands shame that dirty orange ranker bampots that really did it.

  5. There was a time i used to have a look at there section, but now i have absolutely no interest in there soap opera of a league or what there fans say to each other.

    But i will say being a non Old Firm fan, you have a cheek to say they are worse than us, you need to look at the c**p thowen about in here from a non Old Firms fan view, and it is disgusting, you may not see it because you will be used to it though-out your life. By all means abuse each other all you like, but it is not like that, they involve the rest of Scottish Football in there bitter twisted world, so no they are not worse than us..

    The Man Utd, Liverpool thing goes much deeper than just Football, but i will not go in-to that..

  6. Nay nay and thrice nay. Tis nought but light-hearted banter disguised as vitriole and bile.

  7. Its natural to have a go at your rivals, but there is a line which all too often is crossed by sick minded people

  8. i know bluebell, our section is all sweetness and light compared to theirs...  and wittier too.

  9. I think its safe to say your your spot on, i have pals in the other sections who say the cyber bullying stuff is horrendous. In our forum it's just higlighted more because of the big two. If they were taken out the equation, and im not suggesting for one moment that they are!! there would not be half the nasty stuff that goes on in our forum.  In general the banter is amazing in our section, but just occasionally someone oversteps the mark, and they are left in no uncertain terms that they have went too far. We tend to be a friendly lot do us Jocks.

  10. ah bluebell u have to remember the ordinary english fan is usually thick as f**k

  11. it morrors the yob culture in English football, also, even though we have bigotry and that bampot Yahoogle / blue etc, no matter what grudges we have with each other, we all rally round those in need, recently we have shown this with Annemarie and i got a lot of pms about my wee girl.

    this is defo the best section and best users on Yahoo Answers  

  12. human nature! said it a couple of times a few days ago if you go on any site every one`s at it...i never go in the English section and post but i do have a look now and again..

  13. I look at it from the angle that many have the cross to bear about being English. That is not to say I don't like them, I just pity them for being born on the wrong side of the wall.

    So taking that as the base point, this jealousy erupts, and the further south you head the more intractable they become, and they spout bile.

    There are exceptions of course; but on the whole, our forum is far more salient and as has been pointed out by many a damned sight more funny.

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