
Have you ever noticed how chickens and humans are similar?

by Guest44905  |  earlier

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When something is different about a chicken other chickens peck and peck at that difference. People seem to do the exact samething to other people. Any thoughts about this?




  1. Forced conformity.

  2. It all stems from an animal response.Survival of the fittest.It's the reason humans and chickens are still here.

  3. Regarding, most birds, the male has decorative growth about the head that draws attention away from the female for safety and it also attracts the female for mating.

    The study took a single male bird and glued a ridiculous clown hat type apparatus to the top of its head. A sort of flasy bright little hat with protruding stems of sparkly things.

    All of the female chickens ignored the other males and the females fought each other to mate with the chicken with the funny hat.

    I guess if you live in Los Angeles, it does portray the similarity.

  4. Chickens probably taste better grilled than we do.  I'm not sure about that though, so don't quote me on that.

    Some people also have small, tiny, beady eyes (like chick'ns) as well.  

    I once thought that I laid an egg, but found out later that it was only bad gas - with a "happy" ending.

    Other than that, I think the similarities have taken a trip to Tahiti, or some other exotic warm locale.

  5. Brainless and good to eat? Mmmmm baby, the other, other white meat.

  6. in this real world, everything is related to each other

  7. And so the reason for the old saying "Pecking Order."

  8. we both want to get to the other side of the road

  9. Yes, it might be part of animal nature in general!

  10. Younger humans do this to draw attention away from themselves. As long as "they" are picking on someone else, they themselves feel as if they won't be picked on......

    Older humans seem to enjoy the differences.

    Chickens try to do it to get a pecking order for who gets the most food.........


  11. You got a point, herd instinct. And look at young men walk, then look at roosters strutting:)))

  12. Chickens and sheep - 90-95% of the worlds population live like both

    1) Chickens because as you mentioned, the pecking order

    2) Sheep because of humans instinct just to follow along with the mob.

    Unfortunately this mentality only gets you more of the same. People often like to say that they are individual, unique. However, in reality most people are just chickens and sheep. Don't believe me? Just watch the daily commute to school or work - pack mentality at its absolute finest! And people think animals are stupid...

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