
Have you ever noticed how intolerable people are of change?

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Whether it's that your bus takes a different route and is now more crowded

or that you don't have classes with your friends from last year

or even that someone has a differing opinion on a book than you. for example people that hate twilight/jonas brothers haters etc. people cannot respect others opinions to save their lives.

there are tons more examples but these are the first that popped into my head from observing people all day at school and on Y!A and such.

Has anyone else noticed this? Your opinion? etc.




  1. because very few people are capable of true empathy... understanding that someone else's life is as important to them as yours is to you, that their perceptions are as sharp as yours, their mind thinks as many thoughts, their consciousness is as central to their existence. When we assume that everyone else sees from our perspective, we also assume something is wrong with them when they disagree. We underestimate the forces which shape opinions in us and in others. And when we attach so much importance to our own lives, we also attach importance to the things which inconvenience us.

  2. Yes I have. And the reason this happens is first and foremost, fear. Change means doing something different and when someone has been doing the same thing for a long time, it's hard to recommit. They think that by staying loyal to this old thing, they are working hard, when in fact they are just being boring!

    The next thing is arrogance. Change usually means dealing with new situations and new situations can bring about mistakes. If you are as you are forever, you can always be right. You don't need to contend with someone saying you are wrong, we changes this... You can just do it as it's always been done.

    Another reason is ignorance. Sometimes people don't think that new stuff needs to happen. They think they are just fine or the job is just fine or the same house is just fine, why make changes? When in fact, they themselves are immature and lack real self analytical abilities to see that they haven't grown, the job is no longer a challenge therefore letting their mind do less growing, and the house has gotten too small!

    People need to be shaken up every so often. But there are WAY too many people who WILL not give in to that. They rather die being the same stagnant, dullweed they were at age 20, when they turn 50!

  3. yes people don't like change.. it probably stems from fear of the unknown. you'll notice people deal with change better if they are prepared for it, if they heard in the newspaper their bus was going to take a different route for example. sudden changes are really bad because they directly threaten your ability to cope. people would even stay in a bad situation for too long rather than risk changing it which could make it worse. its just human nature I guess

  4. Yes. MOST people. people like you, who have that view, probably dont. lol

    Thankyou for that, I didn`t realize I did that. wow...

  5. Yes most are like that.  Personally I thrive on change.  I consider change as growth and growth is life.  With out growth only stagnation happens which to me is a form of death... spiritual death.   In life the only thing we can be sure of is change.   So I am determined to enjoy my life and go through the changes that are in my future with dignity and peace.  It is the only way to be.  Good Luck on your path.

  6. people are scared of the things they do not know. if you do not know what is going to happen or are at least understanding of the situation, how can you prepare for it. most people prefer gradual change to major changes that happen quickly. we all need time to adjust to our new surroundings and/ or expectations. like in school where it feels weird for a few weeks and then you get into the new school term (or year) and maybe make some more friends. people also are not always so understanding of people who don't think the same way they do. it is hard for them to grasp the fact that there is another way of doing the same way that is neither better or worse than their way just different. happily, children are more accepting of change and adults usually get to  chose what gets to change and when.

  7. ..i agree...change will come when they are ready...for now, its intolerable...

  8. yes...i have noticed that a lot...but don't jump to conclusions by looking at my name...i respect people's opinions...if they don't like a book or a movie i don't like thats fine with me...i hate it when people do that to i don't do it to them. :)

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