
Have you ever noticed how some fast food restaurants make you feel as though you're bothering them?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes I feel like saying "Oh I'm so sorry to inconvenience you, but I just want to place an order. If that's not a problem?" ( ^ _ ^ )




  1. I try to shy away from fast foods, one the rare ocassion that I go, I always managed to leave ticked off. The last fast food that I went to, they young lady said, "Are you ready yet, or do you want me to keep on waiting for you?" I had three options, leave, ignore it, or loose my temper and have her to add an extra helping of spit to my burger. I chose to ignore it and get my burger.

  2. Yea really - especially when they're in OUR country and they hardly speak OUR language...ugh!

  3. It's just cause they hate their job, trust me, I worked at Dairy Queen. I don't think anyone works there cause they like it.

  4. absolutely. and they always make me feel like im over-staying my welcome when i choose to eat there, so i always takeout now.

    and when they ask you if you want to upsize your meal and you say yes... they never thank you! theyre just like '...okay that comes to $8.50'. if you offer someone a deal and they accept, isnt it the polite thing to do to at least thank them? i dont know, its just something i noticed.

  5. Yes!  They workers seem annoyed when taking your order.....

  6. Yeah, when I go through the drive through they are there with

    the food asking for money RIGHT away, and while Im digging it makes me feel uncomfortable like Im being rushed, and holding them up. And I want to take time to check the bag for a correct order, and they wonder what Im doing looking in the bag. DUH! They hurry hurry too much - Yeah its nice to get through a drive through line, but these days its fast enough for me. Im always behind getting money out, putting change somewhere, checking order, etc. There is a fine medium folks!

  7. Rarely.  Restaurants earn or lose the opportunity to provide service on the basis of cleanliness, friendliness, and responsiveness.

    It is so competitive that restaurants with bad attitudes loose customers quickly as word gets around.  Outlets which pay attention to customer service details reap the benefits.

    McDonald's has really been attentive to customer service.  Food is almost ready by the time you pay for it.  It's a 90 second commitment. It works.

  8. Yeah, it's like they don't understand that if we did not come in and order there food they would not have a reason to be there. Therefore, if we weren't there they would not get paid.

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