
Have you ever noticed how the Yahoo search engine censors some searches?

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I was reading a question about superheroes and went off on a tangent again about how superheroes were predominantly white males to begin with, then female characters, then characters from difference races and cultures began to creep in etc

But then I thought "surprising there hasn't been any g*y superheroes?" - so i did a search.

Typed "g*y superheroes" into yahoo search and got

"there was a problem performing the above action, please try another search"

Tried the same search on google and came up with a few thousand pages on the topic - By the way, Northstar (?) from the Xmen apparently (he had a thing for pyro lol)

This seems to happen a lot with the yahoo search engine on a variety of 'adult' searches - anybody know why they seem to be putting a moralilty censor on their search engine?





  1. Yep, they do, so do all the other major search engines and some of the interent providers, I don't know how they do it, but some of the g*y sites, will not come up.

    That said you may want to check that you do not have an Adult Filter switched on somewhere, as the search you describe does not seem to block on my PC on Yahoo

  2. I have never experienced this and just tested your theory on Yahoo.

    Any chance someone has managed to put a censor on your PC? Or browser?

  3. No, I have never experienced this with Yahoo.

  4. No, I've never noticed that.

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