
Have you ever noticed some drivers never use the turn signals that when changing lanes?

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Have you ever noticed some drivers never use the turn signals that when changing lanes or make a right hand turn from the left hand lane?




  1. Yes I have and it's a real pain in the you know what. These drivers assume all the rest of of us have physic powers that can tell us what their next move will be.

  2. I see some that don't use their turn signals.

  3. Yes! They expect you to know which way they are turning . Or turn the wrong way right in front of you.

  4. Yes, but you have to understand that not always do people know where they are going. And I believe that people do what they have to, too get through traffic, and not everybody is courteous in letting somebody by, specially when the signals are on.

  5. yes and it is annoying and a potential hazard. Yes some may not know where they are going, but that is still no excuse to not use a signal. it might be inconvenient ,but it makes more sense to to go past your turn and make the correction the right way then to possibly cause an accident by not using a directional signal.  use of common sense is better then  saving a couple of min. driving time, by making a last min. turn in traffic.

  6. Certainly is annoying.

  7. Yes, it's not very thoughtful is it?

  8. My signals don't work so I use hand signals.

  9. It is one of my pet peeves when people do not use their turning signals.  It is dangerous not to use them not to mention just impolite.

  10. Yes.

  11. yes. so what it doesn't bother me. are you the turn signal cop.

  12. that and not signaling to turn till after theyve turned or have the turn signal on then turning the oposite direction

  13. Yes.....I hate that!!! Ive gone so far as to ask them if their turn signals even work.

  14. I've noticed that most police officers do not.

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