
Have you ever noticed that each day has it's own feeling to it.?

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Each day seems to have a feeling to it. Like fridays feel different from mondays for exa and it is weird when some days feel like they are other days. Like today feels like a saturday or sunday to me, what causes that.




  1. Our subjective input and expectations do seem to influence how we feel about particular days.  A Monday at work is a world apart from a Monday laying on a beach.

  2. That's a good question and your first answer is probably correct, but I was thinking with each day comes a new 'feeling'; like somedays I awake and feel anxious, sometimes like running a mile; somedays, just wake up sad, or jubilant, etc.  And it's usually not anything I am thinking of doing that day.  Maybe a 'run-off' of what my dreams were?  Hmmm...wonder.

  3. Routine causes that.

    If you go to school, or work during the week then you know friday you are going into a weekend. Certainly it feels different from the drugery of monday when you face the a whole week ahead of you before you get to relax again.

    If you have monday off, then it will throw off your whole routine and tuesday will feel like monday etc.

  4. If you didn't know which day it was...would you feel the same? Just like you think today feels like a Sat. or Sun. because on those days you do "different" things than you do on the week days..when you go to work or do housework or certain stores are open and not on the weekend. People used to go to church on you have that expectancy . I guess wush's about routine. If you were in prison or somewhere like that...days wouldn't have "special meanings"...unless you were getting visitors. Maybe a better example would be if you were kidnapped and in a basement somewhere that you didn't know what was going on outside...they wouldn't have any special feeling. All days would be the same. So it MUST be about the routine.(But I DO know what you mean! lol I feel the same about it.)

  5. I think that the positive or negative feelings you have as you wake up in the morning must be some kind of chemical or hormonal thing going on in your body.  ??

  6. Have you ever concidered that the days themselves do not feel different, but that you feel different and them project that feeling onto the day and then assume the day itself feels different.

    So on a Monday you feel differently than on Friday.There are an infinite amount of different influences on you at any given moment and all of these would alter the way you felt about a particular day/person/thing/job ...ect.

    Being human is to feel and interpret, the day itself it would seem to me has no feeling about anything, principally because it does not have the capacity too.

  7. ....and some days seem to go by faster even though you are not busy...then you could be really really busy and the day keeps dragging by slowly.

    Time is an illusion...

  8. Yes, this is what inspired Iggy Pop to sing, "Tell me why I don't like Mondays"

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