
Have you ever noticed the amount of fire doors that act as ordinary doors in England?

by  |  earlier

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Almost every big building in England has at least a few of them.

They have the green fire exit only sign on the top and the stickers on the glass of the door saying "this door is alarmed" and or "no entrance through this door" and yet you can walk through them and nothing happens...

1: have you noticed

2: why are there so many fake fire doors

3: what's the point?




  1. yeah there are to many reason to many arsonist in england thats why so many doors.

  2. yeah, theres loads of them because the alarm would go of everytime someone uses them, so the alarms are often disabled, people use them mostly because of short cuts to car parks or alot of people just got out for sigarette breaks and don't want to use the front door or arn't allowed. And they can't be locked of course because thats illegal in case there is a fire!

  3. Oh my God really? I've never tried going thru them because of the signs cos i don't want the alarm to go off!! wow well thanks for letting us know i will have to open one and go theu it next time just to see...

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