
Have you ever noticed this cycle?

by  |  earlier

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New music is made out on the radio, & then everyone jams to the songs. Eventually it gets played out, & you stop listening to the radio because they play the same songs. & then when you start listening again, you're the last one to find out the good new hits, & then it gets overplayed & old & the cycle continues.




  1. But that's because you get burnt because you've over listened to the songs you like...

    Have the same issue all the time. Hince I switch between about 3 formats.. and I still burn out on country the fastest.

  2. yah, thats why i only listen to oldies, or the retro pop reunion, 'cause they have a greater variety of songs, an usually ones that have stood the test of time. but i dunt listen to the radio much...usually i find songs i liek thru friends showin me music they liek, or obscure songs i find on youtube in animated music videos, songs from movies are good too. thats how i discovered the beach boys and oasis. also i cen stay up to date on whuts the newest hits on mp3 sites, an i cen take a listen an see if i liek it ♥

  3. I don't listen to top 40 radio most of the time, I tune into the classic rock stations, then just now and then to top 40 to catch up on what is current.....sooner or later it will be played on classic rock too!  :)

  4. Yeah, isn't it great?  Just as soon as you grow tired of it, it grows tired without you and then one or the other does something to reinitiate the relationship.

    It's very similar to your first love.  Once you go back the same stuff hacks you off and reminds you why you broke up in the first place.

  5. Yea lol that sucks.

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