
Have you ever observed synchronicity?

by  |  earlier

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i traveled to my brothers place once. i arrived like 8 hrs early. i'd pushed through. i figured someone would be there, no one was. he lived in a large apartment complex at the time. i decided to just wait for him and hang out in my van and listen to tunes until he got there. i started noticing that people were coming and going in little waves. i'd check the time and found that there was no particular reason for this. of course there was the expected lunch hour thing. but these little waves of people didn't seem to match any expected pattern, it wouldn't always happen on the hour or half hour.they would be followed by long periods where nobody came or went. then all of a sudden, a rush of activity. i realized that maybe to the residents there, it would seem that it was always busy outside. anybody else seen this phenomena?




  1. I'm not sure if this is synchronicity (I think it is), but what I DO experience quite regularly, is hearing words on TV or on the radio that I have just said within a few seconds. These are not 'everyday words' either. I'll either be typing ot talking, and "BAM", I hear the word(s) being said almost immediately on TV or over the radio. Many times too, I'll be thinking about someone I haven't heard from in quite a while, and I'll receive a call or an e-mail withing a few seconds.

    I'm glad you asked this question. It happens to me quite frequently. It gives me a sense that I am just a millesecond off from some sort of parallel, or that I am right in line with the universe somehow.

    Interesting -


  2. Yes

  3. Ever watched the trueman show?

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