
Have you ever ordered a Pizza or any other take out food and when you get it, it is cold....?

by  |  earlier

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what do you do or have you done...return it, eat it cold, give it to your dogs lol




  1. i open whatever it is immediately, just to see if the order is even right,becuz sometimes they even get that wrong. and then if its cold,depending on my mood i will either complain til they give me a discount or take it back if its too terribly cold.

  2. I have received luke warm food but never cold.

  3. I have and I always return it.

  4. no that has never happend

  5. return it and get a new one thats hot free

  6. return it

  7. umm i take it n heat it

  8. if its cold, im calling them back & their going to bring me a new one thats fresh & hot.

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