
Have you ever ordered more at a restaurant because you knew someone else was paying?

by  |  earlier

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Someone else (boyfriend, girlfriend, rich grandpa, host of the party, company, etc.)




  1. no iget too full to easy. if i do order more it would be for my boyfriend

  2. Well, the answer is no I haven't and if I were with someone I knew personaly like a friend or family member then I wouldn't because I wouldn't like the same thing to happen to me but if it were a company, especially one that I work for I might.

  3. ye s actually i have. but it was my uncle and he said it was fine. but i would ask first cuse i wuoldnt want to be rude. i only did it cuz i knew it was ok.

  4. Not since I was a full time student with a very few hours of work at a fairly low hourly rate.

  5. Yes but I eat it all.

  6. yes, Christmas party for work.

    We can bring our spouse but have to pay for them.

    He wanted a $32.00 lamb meal and I wanted a $12.00 pasta plate. I ordered the lamb for me so the company would pay and we switched when it came out. That's what they get for being so cheep!!!

  7. No I'm sorry. I'm one of those people who economises and thinks of the person who has to pay the bill.I downsize if someone else is paying!

  8. d**n right I do.

    When the boss takes us to b-fast, I get the steak and eggs with a large OJ and a double tall Latte!

  9. I order whatever I will eat never mind the price, but I do not order more than I  will eat ......

  10. Yupp , There's 2 people I do that with , My Hubby ( but thats really our money) , an the owner of My Company .

  11. I work for American Express and when they treat us to dinner or lunch, me and my colleagues go all out! I know I am not the only one that does this!

  12. anytime i eat with my boss i always just get what i want.  he will just deduct it on his taxes anyways.... so yes, when a wealthy person is paying i dont feel bad about ordering something that i would not usually be able to afford.  on another note, my boss always says "get whatever u want im buying" so its ok to me.

  13. No, if someone else is paying, I order a less expensive entree than I'd order if I was paying.  Even when my boyfriend of more than 2 years pays, I still order less than if I pay.  It's just common courtesy.

  14. I think we all do that. An extra cocktail, a fancy starter dish you might have not gotten. Don't be a glutton, order the NY Strip steak at a light meal though.

  15. no i eat the same, whatever i feel like having no matter whos paying, sometimes if its a friends parent ill maybe get just a grilled cheese or salad and a water cause i feel bad they are being nice and paying for me and i dont want to get all this food and this way i know ill eat it all and enjoy it

  16. no never thats just not a fair thing to do!

  17. Yeah it was my attorney so I ordered a bunch and took it home.  It felt good to get a little out of him also

  18. I never order more but I might order something I wouldnt normally order because of cost. I always order water to keep that cost down.

  19. no I haven't but my husband did once I was telling him no in his ear and he was saying what their paying ? I said No it's not right and he said well we fed them plenty of times .....

    So he ordered the most expensive steak meal there was on the menu along with like 4 sides and a entire pie for dessert and them to add to my embarrassment he asked for a Doggy bag! yep he did !

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