
Have you ever picked up a hitch hiker?

by  |  earlier

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Last weekend my friends Shawn, Jay and I decided to drive up to the mountains to party because its a lot of fun during the summer.

Shawn was driving, jay was in the back, and I was sitting shotgun. We were almost to the highway when Jay noticed some dude hitch hiking by the side of the road. Jay told Shawn to pick him up (kidding of course). We were pretty surprised when Shawn actually pulled over and the guy got into the car.

He was older. Like maybe 44 or so. He also had a big brown bag next to him. So, we drove up the highway and asked him where he was going and he said Plymouth N.H. which is like 2 hours north. Kinda near where we were going. We started breaking the ice and talking to this dude asking him why he was hitch hiking and stuff. I though everything was fine till Jay asked him what he was carrying in his bag......

Then his look of normalcy turned into a very mean look and he turned to Jay and said NONE OF YOUR F-ING BUSINESS!

I was like WOOOOOO!!!! We just pissed this dude off. Wow! So, the car got silent again for a few min before conversation picked up again and Shawn had to ask that question again.... Well dude were giving you a ride man.. So tell us whats in the bag???

BIG MISTAKE!!!! He freaked out!! He was yelling and spazzing out.. I thought he was going to kill one of us!! He said once again NONE OF YOUR F-ING BUSINESS!! But he calmed down once again.. Thank God!

At this point none of us want to be in the car with this guy and we were a long way from where we were going.. So Shawn decided to announce that we were getting off the highway and we were going to stop at a grocery store to buy cigarettes.

So that what we did. I stayed in the car while Shawn and the STRANGER went into the store.

Then, once Shawn realized we could make a run for it and get the h**l rid of this guy he ran back to the car and took off!!!!! HIS BAG WAS LEFT SITTING ON THE SEAT!...

Well thats my story and it was a very crazy time that weekend. We could not stop talking about this guy and our experience.

Ohh and if you were wondering what was in the bag??? NONE OF YOUR F-ING BUSINESS!!! LOL HAAAA!

By the way its a joke




  1. nope

  2. ugh i wanna know whats in the bag now!

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