
Have you ever placed someone (or been placed) under citizens arrest? If so, what for? and what happened?

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Have you ever placed someone (or been placed) under citizens arrest? If so, what for? and what happened?




  1. If I understand the way a "citizens arrest" works, it can only be invoked for felony arrests. I'm not up enough on the law to know what is and isn't a felony, other than murder.  

  2. First, the 'right' or 'power' for one citizen to arrest another varies greatly from state to state. You need to be familiar with the 'arrest laws' in your state.

    Police Officers spend a great deal time in their academies learning about the power of arrest and when to and especially when not to arrest a citizen and the use of force to affect an arrest.  The average citizen is not aware of the legal requirements of arrest.

    A 'citizen's arrest' that does not conform to your state's laws could result in your being charged with kidnapping, unlawful restraint, or some similar offense in your state.  Also, if the person 'arrested' does not comply, what type of force are you willing to use to affect the arrest?  Using force and failing to conform with state law could result in assault or weapon violations for you!

    Please remember that utilizing  'citizen's arrest' and not following state law could also involve you in a civil tort case, even if no criminal charges are filed.

    Some states, like Montana, the power of arrest is granted to citizens but they must comply with all the same standards and laws permitting arrest, just like sworn police officers.

    Proceed with caution,  research the law in your state before acting.

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