
Have you ever planned to break up with someone months in advance if they didnt change by a certain date?

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I plan to break up with my boyfreind if he does not propose by my 36 birthday which is in Dec.I just feel like if he does not want to be married Its a moral divider in our relationship.People think its just a peice of paper but its not .It effects how people treat you as a couple. I want to be married and if I dont have that in my life Im not being true to myself.So have you ever planned to end a relationship where you love the person but cannot hack the situation months in advance hoping they would redeem themselves?Weve dated for 6 years.




  1. He sounds commitaphobic. Always stay true to yourself. I have done what you are talking about. It was hard but my higher power had better plans for me. After 6 years if he isn't ready then I would say stick to your date. I would also give him a heads up and tell him you two need to get married or it's over. That way you aren't putting yourself all that time waiting. Sometimes when things like this happen it puts a fire under people's butts.  

  2. how "charlotte" of you. ;]

    but i agree... 6 years is quite some time and if you want to get married and he's not ready, or hasn't  at least entertained the thought --move on. he could potentially  be preventing you from meeting mr. right.  

    i say new year new man!

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