
Have you ever played a childhood game involving levitation?

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I remeber playing this game and it worked. We lifted a girl over our heads with our finger tips. Anyone know how this is possiable?




  1. Did you know that you have as much strength in one finger as you have in your whole hand? Seriousy, all the muscles that control your hand are in your forearm. You don't have a single muscle in your hand.

    A young girl who weights 50 lbs would be 12.5 lbs each for 4 other girls. It would feel pretty light to someone who is thinking they are about to life up 50lbs of weight.

    Do you think you could life 12.5 lbs with one hand? If so, you could lift it with one finger. Try it out.

  2. it is possible it is called mind over matter but the game is light as a fether stiff as a bord

    one time i lifted my sister like all the way above my head

  3. yes.  i do remember playing that game.  it did work and it was fun,  i don't know how it was possible.

  4. No, but if you hold your hands with your wrists sticking out and press them into a doorway for like 30 seconds, then step away from the doorway, your arms will "magically" levitate out from your body.

  5. light as a feather, stiff as a board. i think since your eyes are closed, that you just imagine you are really lifting her higher. man those were the days.

  6. BTW, it's not levitation if you are using your fingers to lift!

  7. Its a mind over matter thing in reverse.  Your mind said I can't lift that girl with my finger. But when you have 4 or 5 people lifting a say 60 pound kid your only lifting about 10 or 15 pounds.  We did this a few weeks back just to show how it works.  First you try to lift and it won't work, then you close your eyes and say some magic sounding words.  Then it works like magic.  Its not magic its you, and you could do it any time.  Believe in yourself, your more powerful then you know!

  8. Yeah, me and my friend tried to do levitation when we were kids. It didn't work though. That's cool that you actually did it. I guess somehow your mind powers are really strong. I don't know how it works.

  9. Obviously you had enough kids lifting with enough force to move the object ie the little girl.

  10. i probably played that game at every slumber party I ever went to.  It never worked.  Lots of times we would start giggling and that was the end of it.  But even when we all concentrated - we were not successful.  It really worked when you did it?  Weren't you absolutely amazed?  Didn't you ponder on it forever?  I would have!

  11. Soft as a feather, lighter than air,,,,anything can be moved by faith,,, God even said so!

  12. Division of labor and self-deception.  As I recall it's a pretty fun trick.

  13. No I have never heard of it. Sounds intresting though.

  14. many hands make work lighter

  15. OMG my mother just reminded (a week ago) that I played this game when I was 12 or so and we called it Light As A Feather. I had a sleepover party and a bunch of girls the same age (probably 8 or 9 girls) played this game and we all concentrated on one girl who stood in the middle of our circle. We repeated some rhyme and focused our energy on the girl in the center, gently placing our fingertips on her. I do not remember the outcome of this game but my Mom says we all shrieked when this one girl (who was really short) came off the ground about 2 inches. I don't remember that, but it has been many years. In any case, the only way I see this possible is that focused energy is a very powerful form of strength and when minds focus together, perhaps anything is possible. This is the same message given in the book The Secret, that we create our own reality. That game is a great example of that even though my memories are cloudy! Another game we played that involved focused energy was the aura game. You need at least 3 people and a blank wall (preferably white). Someone stands against the wall facing the others who concentrate on bringing out the aura of the person against the wall. 4 of us tried this (we were adults by this time) and with each person a colored outline appeared around their body. Each color meant something different in reference to that person's personality traits. Try it sometime, at the very least, it's cheap entertainment!

  16. Haha, when I was in my early 20's, a friend and I used one finger each and lifted a 300lb man to the ceiling!!!! too bad we actually knew what we were doing, and all you guys were playing a silly little game. Levitation can be real, but really when 15 kids use one finger each, it adds up and can lift a little kid.

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