
Have you ever played with a ouija board?

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If so, what happened?




  1. No.  I feel a bit uneasy about them.

  2. Nothing happened.

  3. Yep.  Nothing happened, probably because we had no idea what it was supposed to do.  We got bored and played monopoly instead.

    Look up the ideomotor effect.  You're moving the planchette yourself, even if you don't realize it.  This is easily tested with a friend and a blindfold.

  4. Yes, I have played with one.  I didn't want to, but my friends did anyways.  It was really creepy and I wouldn't recommend it!

  5. I've done it once. It was glow-in-the dark and we all got together in my friend's un-finished basement to psych ourselves out. Nothing happened though, probably because we were doing it for fun and weren't really focussing like you're supposed to. It was more sitting around trying to give each other a bad case of the heebie-jeebies

  6. Yes we got in touch with a guy named Bob that lived in my brother's fire place and liked to watch my friend Brit undress.

  7. Yes, while doing it I got the worst headache of my life. I never tryed it again.

  8. laughed at me. It (among other things) kept going from A to H over and over and over. It took awhile before I realized  it was REALLY going from H to A and H to A. When I realized it..I dropped it and screamed!! (this happened in college in the dorm) It also said it was mad because I had dropped it on the stairway (which I had forgotten)

    Years later I got into it again..and into automatic writing.SHUDDER,SHUDDER!! I didn't realize there were spirits right there with me.I REGRET IT. BAD THINGS HAPPENED. DON'T MESS WITH IT.

  9. From my adventures Ihave seen and did many many things.My advice tho anybody about OUIJA is to stay away from locked doors.Once the door is opened it can't be closed again.Iwould share my life changing expirence with OUIJA but I am not alowed to.PLEASE STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Ouija board is more your doing then any thing else. Try this

    and you'll see. Get a plastic coffee can lid (the plastic lid you

    put over the can after you open it).

    Fill up a sink in your house with water. Take the lid and lay it

    on the water with the edge facing up (the rim that slides over

    the can).

    Once it is floating on the water, do as you would do with a

    Ouija board.. put your fingers of both hands on the lid very


    Don't think of anything or just think about how your day was

    or plans you have... give it time as you would a Ouija board,

    and you will eventually see water entering the lid's top or you

    will be sinking it.

    You did not plan on making it moved, but it does and it is

    you doing it... give it a try.

    Most answers are simple, but that takes the fun out it...

  11. nope and i never will

  12. If you are asking, then leave the ouija board alone. I think you don't know what you are dealing with. Just because Parker Bros. sells ouija boards does not mean that the spirit realm is a game.

  13. Ouija boards are hilarious.All these people are afraid of them.Look at the link.It's just a silly board game you can buy at Toys R Us.People cringing in fear,dire warnings not to mess with these portals to h**l.Tell me that's not hilarious.I know it's silly but I can't help laughing at these people.

  14. yes, nothing really. we got tired ,yes it moved but-we were just tired

  15. I personally will not touch one because of my Religous beliefs.I know many people will tell you that they are harmless and your silly if you beilieve in it .I want to to realize that there is just as many people out there telling you to leave it alone and they are very real ,Take the common agreement to leave it alone period!

  16. There's a line in a 1970's country song that goes, " The devil's got me now ". Does that tell you anything...?

  17. I haven't, I don't mess with stuff I know nothing about.

    There is a family story that my gran and her parents used one.I guess people dabbled in such stuff years ago as a form of entertainment.

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