
Have you ever pooped outdoor?

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When? where? who was with you? What was you wearing? Are you male or female?




  1. Yes, I used to go canoeing and camping in the Canadian wilderness.  No bathrooms there, but we did dig latrines.  I used to go with my church group and I am a female.

  2. Once when I was about 5 or 6 up in the mountains with my Dad. Me and my sister both had to go, so he gave us some toilet paper, and we went behind a treel. /Female. Never want to do that again.

  3. i cant remember when but i crapped in a hole on a golf course. i was wearing  a pair of boxers, nothing else, it was funny. male (my friends dared me to do it!)

  4. Sure I have.  The last time was years ago when I was on a 10-day hiking trip.  I was on the Long Trail with a small group of people from the Upward Bound program, though at the time, I was away from the camp site by myself.  I was wearing hiking gear.  At most, I had on a short sleeve shirt under a long sleeve shirt, a jacket over that.  And wearing shorts under warm pants.  You have to wear layers when hiking.  And I am female.

  5. Yes I got caught short once. I was working as a cable TV salesperson and I was in a suburb with no public toilets or hotel nearby. So I had to go in the bush. It wasnt nice as I had no toilet paper and I was worried someone would see me but I didnt want to mess my pants!  

  6. Couple of years ago.

    My husband

    shorts and t tee shirt


    We were camping we had a toilet seat on a 5 Gal.bucket and he would bury what was "collected" in the bucket

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