
Have you ever popped a wheelie on a cruiser?

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I did, up hill. It was interesting. I was trying to turn into and make it up a steep driveway when I popped the clutch and the front tire went up. I put it down and stopped at the top of the driveway. Whew! It didn't scare me, It just surprised me. I've only been riding a couple of months and I'm gladi knew what to do.




  1. go to and click on the wheelie cruiser pic in the lower right hand corner.

  2. All the time.

  3. Almost any motorcycle will pop a wheelie. I have a Vulcan 1600, almost 800 pounds, and I did it on a dare. I apologized to my bike afterwards, and gave her a nice wax job.

    BUT keep this in mind- cruiser-types are not designed for the hard impact on landing. (What goes up must come down- and hard!) If you make a habit of putting your sweet baby cruiser through this kind of abuse, be prepared to replace the seals on the front fork shocks every once in a while.

  4. yes, its just not as easy as a weight centered sports bike. But thats why there cruisers

  5. I've intentionally popped a wheelie on a full dress touring bike, does that count?

  6. Yes pooped one on a street glide , doing it the first time by accident is the best way ! kinda like when i was learning to water ski and lost one ski  

  7. Yep..   the 650 suzuki Savage.  will wave the front wheel in the air if you take off quick too...  

    not easy to do, but not that hard either..

  8. Whoo Hoo  you go Girl!

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