
Have you ever posted a question that you really needed an answer to and were able to get the answer thru R&P?

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I'm not refering to opinion based questions like "whos the best singer,drummer,triangle player" or "this band vs that band" but something that was really bugging you and you couldnt find the answer on the internet due to lack of information.

Do you remember what your question was?

This one was mine....;_ylt=ArzlmxkO7RTNG4v.tGSGnN0jzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080522201903AAlsnep




  1. Yes, I'm to sleepy to think that far back but the is a question that I needed answers to that was deleted for some stupid reason.The question was about the desire to ride a motorbike again after a bad accident. I got like 20 answers and then it was deleted for being to vivid or something stupid..Sometimes I ask serious questions or play a game and only get 1 or 2 answers and not from my contacts but questions like: blue or black,should I date him get 20-30 answers. Unbelievable! Blessings Yahoo

  2. Yes, when I was making my Dr.Phil video I need ideas for songs. It helped me. I love that video!

  3. I'm glad you found your answer this way.

    Me,I couldn't even get enough answers to opinion-based questions as you call them,lol!I guess it's only a matter of time though.I haven't asked enough questions either.

    But for questions like these ones,I've found that is extremely useful(it's a huge musical database),and I'm wondering why it's not popular enough.

  4. Yeah all the time

    That's the whole point of this website lol

  5. I don't know if I really needed it..but there was this song that I never knew who it was by and it was mainly an instrumental but it has like yodeling in it kinda...turns out it was Focus by Hocus Pocus

    I think Fonzi was the first one to answer

  6. Yes,from time to time I ask Q's of bands that I might of heard 1 or 2 songs of and ask for some other great songs by said band.

  7. Oh yeah! You guys are the experts, and I've gotten a ton of different things explained to me over the months I've been here....

    Here's an example:;...

    I gotta tell ya, tho ~ and this is one of the main reasons that it's so IMPOSSIBLE to explain this place to anyone who isn't already on here ~ is that I get GREAT parenting advice here. I have two teenagers and I've asked a number of questions regarding them... and gotten really wonderful advice.

    Here's one that I recently posted:;...

  8. Yeah, on the account I had before this one I asked a couple different questions on Gaelic. It's pretty difficult to find good information on Scottish Gaelic, and even harder to find translations.

  9. Yes it was actually a question very similar to yours, except I knew one or two lines of the song. I was so happy.

    It was, A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You by The Monkees :P

  10. It was my very first question, back in July last year :;...

  11. Actually, to the contrary.

    After querying the internet looking for factual info (not opinion) I asked this question on Y!A and got zilch. It's a stumper!;...

    This question was also posted on Answerbag ( ) and Dizzay ( ) with similar results.

    If anyone here can give me a correct answer w/ proof, I'll buy lunch!

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This question has 11 answers.


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