
Have you ever prank called anyone?

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  1. lol yes...but i totally messed it up xD haha. so we had my friend do the talking after tht :P  

  2. yes...

    its was stoopid

    i was 13

    and a dimwit mate dared me to prank call the police

    i swear i had no brain then!!!


  3. Yeah!  I called someone I knew and pretended to be one of those "900" number girls saying that we overcharged him and we would make it up by giving him 10 minutes of free phone s*x.  He said he never called any 900 number but we could go ahead with the call anyway.

    He lasted about 3 minutes before know what.

    (typical guy).

  4. yeh, but only wif my cuzins

  5. walikum salaam

    yeah...but i stopped now

    that was tooooo long ago

  6. Yes.

  7. Yezzir

  8. lol yes!Many years ago when the queens mother passed away,me and a friend pranked a funeral agency.After several questions,she asked who I was ,I replied 'the queen'  to which he responded 'yeh, haha very funny'

      Also I prank my lovely mum sometimes(although she catches me out)

  9. haha yeah! i've ordered pizzas with the randomest toppings and swore at many ppl!  i kinda feel bad now...

  10. yess its soo funny lmao u shud try it...

  11. Yeah, but it was only once!

  12. Yes. It's sooo funny.

  13. Yeah! Loads of time. Still funny!

  14. Yes sooo many times I used to be very naughty as a teenager.

  15. wa'laikum assalam,

    yep, and i forgot all about caller ID and that person called me back and started cussing me out, lol.

  16. Yeah, I've prank called many people in my time, I was the "gang leader". Some were HILARIOUS, some threatened to call the police, some didn't even understand English. I'm not proud of it, it was fun at the time I'll admit lol but I won't do it again. Remember what goes around comes around.

  17. Wa alaikum Assalam

    There was this old Hindu woman in my neighbourhood who was a big snob and was always humiliating muslims in one way or the other. So me and my friends, we used to prank call her weekly and there is this weird throat- made sound in the movie The Grudge, we used to say that into the phone and she would go " HELLO?? H-H-HELLO?? H-H-H-H-HEL-L-LO??? " lol.. my mom gave me a long lecture telling me this Hadeeth " A person from whose mischieves his neighbours are not secure, can never be a Momin".. so i didnt do that again, but it sure was a lot of fun!

  18. umm nope but i've wrote 2 fake letters, :P and they actually fell for it :P lmao

    walaykum salaam :)

  19. Pizza

    Employee:"Pizza Hut,You want to hear our specials today?"

    Me:"No.What are you wearing?"

    Employee:"Excuse me?"

    Me:"You sicko!!"


    Me:"I bet your wife left you,you SICKO!!!"


    Me:"I am sorry,I got carried away,What you doing friday night?"

    I hung

  20. not only prank, but private too ;)

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