
Have you ever prayed for something you didn't want?

by Guest58371  |  earlier

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Since 'God' won't interfere with free will, wouldn't praying for something you don't want produce the exact same results as praying for something you do want?




  1. no hmmm interesting theory

  2. Nope............second grade kinda thinking. When does school start for you?

  3. I pray for what I do want because of what I don't. I pray for his will to be done because my ways got me in such a mess. So if we reverse your question, the answer would still be yes.

  4. Often.  I pray for the salvation of G. Bush, when I would rather see him dead.

  5. I think that would defeat the object of prayer. He knows you don't really want it, so won't grant it.

  6. You bet Zilla, right now I am praying Hurricane Gustav does not kill hundreds of people it it's path.  I do not want to see a repeat of Katrina.  So I am praying for something I do not want.

    ROFL..does this make sense?


  7. Yes I have prayed for things that I don't "want" but that are good for me anyways, but your logic is flawed.

    God does answer prayer but not sinful prayer.

    How is praying for healing or wisdom interfering with free will?

    We are told to pray for all people. Yet we know that God will not force a troll to repent. We can still pray for God to be merciful and patient with tthe troll.

    2Pe 3:9  The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

  8. Not praying at all produces the same exact results too.

  9. If ones desire for something is so strong then prayer can act as a focus point to bring that something about. I do not think God would interfere in this because perhaps a lesson may be learned for us in letting us have our way.

    To answer your question: yes. Though at the time it was all I thought I wanted.  

  10. nope

  11. Yes,

    Praying that God help me be able to forgive the guy who almost raped me. I didn't want to forgive, I wanted to hate him forever.

    I think he's safe now..... coz a few months ago I was capable of murder... kept considering how I could poison his food and whether I could get away with it.

    Well, we stay out of each other's way, so I doubt Vot will be getting anywhere near his food.

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