
Have you ever purchased contact lenses online?

by  |  earlier

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If so, from where. Were you satisfied and if, not, why? Did you incur substantial or minimal savings? I'm particularly interested in Acuvue Advance w/Hydraclear for Astigmatism. They're for my daughter who has blown through about 2 dozen pair since she first started wearing them a year ago. Her Rx expires 3-9-8 and w/o health insurance I can't afford the lenses if I must pay for the exam . . Any feedback would be helpful... Thanks...




  1. All I can tell you is that to buy contacts, online or not, you need a current, valid prescription. Any that you can buy without a valid prescription, in the UK at least, are gonna be dodgy.

  2. I get my lenses from  They are Accuvue toric monthlies - and sell there for about $120 per year supply versus it was $135 when I got a 6 month supply at my eye doctor.  The lenses are the exact same ones that the doctor's office had.  I forget how I sent in my perscription - scan? mail? they called doctor's office?  Anyway, it works for me.  Also, search "visiondirect" and "coupon code" in a major search engine and you can usually find a code for either some percent off, or discount or free shipping.

    Note:  It lookslike their site has a 6 month's supply of the kind you noted for $77.98 +shipping

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