
Have you ever...?

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Have any of you had a chance to meet one of your favorite answerers on here in person? I would think the usuals or some of the other users that have been on here for a while and made friends with each other might have gotten a chance to meet one of your friends in real life.... It would be really neat, I think.

if so, were they what you imagined them to be looks wise? Did you get along? ........

Just curious... I have this listed in the horse section because I only visit here and had a strange, but good opertunity to meet someone in person that is a frequent answerer in this section... Hehehehe




  1. I haven't meet any of them....yet! hehe

    Ooo there are some on here i would love to meet!! It would be so cool getting to know them in person, ride together, share knowledge and horsey stories, training methods.... Just on a more personal level than over the Internet.

    Some that I would really like to get the chance to meet in person are Eqquus, Sov7, BB, Blue sage, American, Redial and Ayla... Some of them have become good friends even over the Internet and just have SO much knowledge to share it would be an honor to be in their presence...LOL


    Oh yeah! Debi and Buckinfun too!!


    Oh geez.... I keep leaving people out! haha

    Even though I haven't chatted with these guys as much they are so darn knowledgable!

    John r, 1024 LE, Kevin, kicking bear......there are probably quite a few people on here that would be worth meeting... =)

  2. I have not met anyone like that yet- but would like to meet some of the people who seem awfully knowlegeable - just to take the time to gain some knowledge more quickly face to face and in true practice with a horse from them.

    However, the purpose is not to meet, but to share information.  I'm always a bit leery of meeting someone I speak with on the internet - you never know.....

  3. Love this part of the horse board, yakking with people from all four corners of this  world....Amie,Debi, AM Tom Cat,  Luisitano, BB, who I may meet when we get down to Southern Oregon this fall, PRS, Ziggybad (are you really?), Bribri,  Buckinfun, everyone has a little different "take" on their experience with horses...lots to learn from them....would love to meet all of them!!!!  As TomCat said, sitting around the campfire, telling about some experiences with horses and the people that own them would be great!!!!

    If I've forgotten anyone, I'm very sorry, all of you are appreciated!!!

  4. wow now that would be a reunion to remember.....8-/ lol

    ZigZag and Eqquus are an absolute riot and so is BB and there are many others that I would love to adopt into my circle of tangible friends (not just internet friends) they are awesome people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...  (note amount of exclamation marks)

  5. i think a few of us should meet up and go on a hack ogether, that would be neat. lol but i live in the UK and alot of people on here are from the US

  6. This is strange, but I have never met Mdolittle in person, but she used to live in the same state I do, and now that she has moved, somehow, I miss her even though we stay in contact.  Weird, huh!

    I think those of us in the US should get together and send Debi a plane ticket, she could go from place to place and visit us all!  She has so many friends she wouldn't have to commute far between us!

    Redial, I'd love to meet her, but the earth might rotate on it's axis too much if she got together with her friends!

    AMM, I'd love to see meet and her new QUARTER HORSE!

    Blue Sage Badger (where has she been lately-hehe) BB, John with his makeup on, Ziggy and friends, LBentfor-got so many q's for her I'd probably scare her, daisykj, oh, so many more people I knew i should have never answered this question!  I'll probably add more!

    Edit-1024...we could all get together on the lawn in front of the Y/A headquarters!  haha  Bet they have a nice lawn, tie the horses up to the trees, TomCat can set up a campfire, throw back a few, that would be fun!  Better not, I guess.  Don't want them taking away our catagory!

  7. i would like to there is one person i know on here my sister... but i would like to met a bunch of people on here

  8. There are a few I would love to meet!!!!!







    1CrossMare-I want to hear some of those awsome stories when she was working on the ranch with that lady!!! LOL

    There are more but the heat has got to my brains!!


    Ohhh Equus, too!

    & Debi!

    & Shadow!


    LBent !!!!!!

  9. There are definitely a lot of crazies out there....

    Speaking of crazies, Sov7, Black Bunny, American, Ayla, Eqquss, Imabohemian, John, ZiggyBad, 1cross, Debi, Lisa, Buck, bribri...etc. etc. (I know I'm forgetting crazies...I mean people).  But those are a few I would love to sit around a campfire throwing back a few with for sure....


    Oh, I just noticed who asked this question.  You changed your avatar!!!


    I don't think making friends on here is a bad thing.  Friends, whether on here or outside of here disagree.  I do not simply go through & look for answers that are given by people I like on here & there are times that I will disagree with them either partially or completely.  Our opinions can not all be the same & if others don't know that & accept that then friends on here or out there are going to get ticked.  That's life.  I prefer to have people around me who are willing to disagree with me on things.  At least I know they are being themselves & not just agreeing because they are not smart enough to think for themselves or because they don't have the knowledge or the backbone to state their opinions & stand up for them or back them up....



  10. I have become good friends with 1,024 Lusitano Epiphanies. We're facebook fanatics together and have gotten a really good look into each other's lives, interests, friends, pictures, horse-addiction..Yup, she's just as cool, kind-hearted, and open-minded as I imagined. (Tres cosmopolitan hair cut and 'gotta wear shades' to boot. Awsome-ness.) I'd ride and chat all day long with her and never get tired of it, I imagine. We share the true horse bug and soft heart for out furry friends. However, I'd have to keep my eye on her or she might try to shove Dobbin under her shirt and take him home!!!! Bwhahahah..just the visual of that kills me, but I DON'T put it past her.

  11. No I haven't.  There are many people I find interesting and would probably enjoy talking to, but I also like the fact that by keeping friendships out of the formula, I can speak more from the heart on many things without concerns for friendship issues.

    I already have many wonderful friendships in my "real" life, so this is something totally different and new for me.  I don't want the restriction that might be felt when you cross the line between being just another answerer on an internet forum, and begin to form friendship-type alliances that  could sometimes compell you to formulate your answers just to please your online "friends".So, I try to steer clear of that kind of thing online.

  12. There are quite a few I would love to meet - Ayla, Dubie, BB, Mule,BnB,Mdoolittle, johnr, Redial, Equus,Buckinfum, Imabohemian,American, BSB, 1crossmare, Sov7,Ziggy,Andelusional,Barrelracer and Westerngamergirl  ( and I'll probably have to keep coming back and editing it because I'll feel so guilty if I missed anyone)

    The idea of everyone going for a hack together is interesting - it would probably be a riot with a wild mixture of English and American, sensible horses, stupid horses - wow - the mind boggles.

    The ones I do know - are Minstral06,Astra, Tanglelegs,Travis, Dreamweaver, Shamrock and Nevergrowup ( not all Horse section) but I regularly ride with 3 of them and most of them have been helping haul bales today - lol we all have sunburn !

    Not sure if they really count though as I knew them in "real-life" before I knew them here.

  13. Nope never happened but there are a few on here that intrigue me.  It is always nice to meet other people who share the same interests as I do.  However, as others have already mentioned, you really don't know who you are talking to on here.  I would be very leary of actually setting up a meeting with someone I met through the internet.  Scary times we live in.

  14. I have definatley never done this...BUT I can see your interest for this, and keen'ess to meet a fellow answerer whom you respect through here BUT just like Buffy said you have NO IDEA who youre realllllllyyyy talking to right?  You've got to be so careful on the internet anywhere.  In today's world anyways.  Its sad, because I know it would be neat to sit down with some certain people and have some real good horsey talk but Iam not sure I, personally, would take a chance at it.

    Good Question :)!!!

  15. Crikey, FreedomRider has figured out my plan to steal her horse....ARGGGH...I'm going to have to come up with a new idea.  Maybe I can dig an underground trench leading from his stall to my house in New York several states away...time-consuming but worth it.  (Oh don't worry, FreedomRider, I'll let you visit him whenever you want once he's at my place!)

    To answer the question, no I have not met anyone from off YA in person, because I don't think anyone is located near me!  Everyone seems to be down south, out west or in New England.  Or another country altogether!

    I do talk to FreedomRider quite a bit, as I think she is funny, intelligent and has a ridiculously awesome work ethic when it comes to riding and working with horses.  (Oh yeah, and she has an awesome case you couldn't tell I was a fan of his....)  I like to pick her brain, she is full of a ton of insight and ideas that any horseperson should strive to have.  She looks just exactly as kind, sweet and friendly as she is online, and I really do think we could yak all day long and still have plenty to yak about next time!  I am a professional yakker (especially when it comes to horses and kyoot kitty cats, such as my own) and it's always so nice to meet others in my line of work...bwahah.

    EDIT:  Hey Ayla, I would totally chip in to fly Debi to the states!  Who else from the UK wants to come over for the big party, and while they're at it, do they want to look up Krude Kitty, wherever she is, for a reunion?

  16. i'm new here so i don't really know the "usual users"

    i'd like to meet anyone from the yahoo! answers horse section that'd be pretty special in a way i guess hah

    anyone live in kansas? lol

  17. No I haven't but I certainly would like too.

    Anybody ever come East? I would love to meet:


    Black Bunny

    AM Morgans

    Tom Cat

    Imabohemian ( I think she may be a wild child tee hee)


    among others

    I think that would be great!

  18. I have never met anyone from Yahoo answers horse section, but there are a few I correspond back and forth by email outside of Yahoo Answers. There aren't very many horse people around where I live so I always enjoy hearing from like minded people.

  19. Nope, its never happened with me.
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