
Have you ever "Christine'd" anyone before?

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so my friend got his liscence and we have an awesome prank we do where we turn the headlights off and hit the gas full blast then turn the brights on (like in the movie Christine) and drive right at kids that used to always annoy us. today one kid flat out fell off his bike he got so scared. does this prank have a specific name and does anyone else besides me and my friend do it?




  1. Sounds like a good idea til you run someone over. I've never done that (not trying to get sent up the river for man slaughter), but my friend decided it'd be a good idea to try to scare some kids crossing infront of her car on their bike. She revved her engine at them to freak them out. The problem is -- she forgot to put her car in park first. Her car lurched forward and she had to slam on her brakes. It wasn't a total wash out though ....She did scare them .... because she almost ran them over.

  2. I read a story in the news about a guy in a car doing this to bikers. Two of them were seriously hurt & the guy got arrested. It's a really dangerous thing to do.  

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