
Have you ever read something you wrote a long time ago...?

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and you felt you were so different from what you'd expressed there that it was almost like someone else was trying to live under your name through those words?




  1. Yes, things that I wrote about exes, and dreams I had when I was younger

  2. I don't know if I'd say that exactly.... But I have read back over old writings and realized how my thinking, writing style, and general personality has evolved since.  

  3. I kept my first diary when i was just a kid. Some of the things within the dates were so funny.I never missed a day writing in it. So glad now i kept the old ragged diary with the lock that didnt work. I also have my mom's old diary as well.

  4. if you are an author.

  5. YES ,  i used to write my daily events & feelings, & i usually read stories,  & may times i found in some stories as if it was me who was speaking  , it's nice feel so  :-)  

  6. Yes!  It's so cool getting to see how I've changed from what I was.  I once read a story I'd written when I was eight, and I don't even remember feeling that way.  

  7. Yes, I started to read something that was actually printed decades ago and I couldn't get past the first sentence.

    I'm either a lot better now than I was then, or I'm now insane.

  8. Yes my diary. I have kept a diary from the age of 12 and i was reading some of it, and i just think to myself I can not believe this is even me. I am a million times different to how i was. But it's nice to see the changes that i have taken through my life.

  9. Sure!  We all evolve.  Our experiences help us grow,  mature.

    What we wrote at that point in life was truth of the moment...a milestone in this journey called life.  It is good to take a look every now and then.  Wonderful in a way to see how far we have travelled...

  10. I have read over a journal I kept during a bleak time when I was battling depression.  It sounded like I was possessed, or something.  It didn't sound like I penned those words.  So, yes, I felt this way and ended up tossing the journal away.    

  11. yes! I used to write a lot more back then and it's like a different person. Sometimes I think I was smarter and more expressive when I was younger. Being a guinea pig physician does not leave time to write.

  12. In Health it is symptom of personality disorder, if you ever read novel Sybill it is an extreme case.

    In poetic sense, it is different.

  13. Sometimes when I read something I wrote a long time ago, I'm truly embarrassed for how I thought and other times, I think, I wasn't as stupid as I thought I was.  Its very similar to looking at old photos.  When I was young, I thought I was fat and ugly but when I look at them, I realize I was much cuter than I thought.  Sometimes I took a bad photo and looked stupid but lots of times I was alright.  The same thing with my writing.  Usually, I think, "I wasn't as dorkey of a kid as I thought I was."

  14. yep.  i found an old middle school journal, you know the kind teachers made you write in for ten minutes during the class?  i guess i was either really depressed or having great dreams because i wrote "...sometimes i wish i could stay asleep so i can dream forever."  now i look back on it and it sounds pretty cool.   surprised myself with that one.

  15. This is some thing that happens to everyone. As time progresses we are in constant change. If you take a snap shot for your inner self many years apart, you will see great differences.You are no longer a sapling, for you have grown into a tree.


  16. Very True.

    Change is Inevitable.

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