
Have you ever realized how ridiculous everything is?

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I mean everything, everything.




  1. Oooooh yeah. I think time can make anything funny though. O_o

  2. yes. the whole finding a job thing. Pretending to be someone your not at countless interviews and then they hire the most fake sounding? wtf? what happened to just being honest?

    And you're only making enough to just get by in the rat race. Feeling miserable. whats the point of life if your just gonna work it all away?! How stupid is that!

    and what the h**l is up with television shows nowadays?!?!

    Reality shows are HORRIBLE!

  3. ya. especially stuff like music (sounds that make our bodies move?) and like sports, golf, whack a ball with a stick and then go and find it, whack it again etc.. until you arrive at a tiny hole. put it in th hole, then take it out again, and do the same thing with another hole.  i find if you think about anything long enough you realize it's absurd, like hearing the same word over and over, and then it loses meaning, and becomes just a sound, and the ridiculous shows up.

    i like it.

  4. "What is the appropriate behavior for a man or a woman in the midst of this world, where each person is clinging to his piece of debris? What's the proper salutation between people as they pass each other in this flood? "


  5. No...everything will be nice if we feel it that way .

  6. It's beyond absurd .  

  7. No...I've been too busy watching the political conventions.

    "Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians," Brandon Sanderson, is hilarious ridiculous, and inspires the thought that LOL is made perfectly easy in a ridiculous environment.

    "In a Sunburned Country," Bill Bryson,

    "Brothel in Pimlico," Roy Moore,

    P. G. Wodehouse novels...all ridiculous and funny.

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock, also good.

  8. yes, but do you have any reasonable suggestions?

  9. I know how ridiculous everything is, sadly its all morbid at the same time.

  10. Yes, just recently.

  11. Not everything but a lot of things. And isn't it great! It's a good laugh.

  12. i don't know in what context you mean x

    but i completley agree with you!!!


  13. Absolutely. I had a major acid trip once and re-united with the other aspects (entities?) of myself.  I was informed of many things.  Many of the eternal human Questions seemed to make sense.  And it all came down to ridiculousness.  Laughter is the key.  Life will always give you ridiculousness, and our job is to give life our laughter.

    everything is everything (or nothing)

    everything is always happening  

  14. "vanity of vanities,all is vanity"

    "The writer of Ecclesiastes understood this, for he had it all (2:1-11): Wine, houses, vineyards, gardens, parks, fruit trees, pools, male and female slaves, singers, 700 wives, 300 concubines, herds, flocks, silver, and gold. And yet it all amounted to nothing more than a stinking heap of trash, a painful reminder of the ache in his soul that his possessions just seemed to mock with cruel futility.

    What about you? Are you busy pursuing the American Dream? And how’s that working out for you? Has your “busy-ness” relegated the God-given longing for heaven back to the farthest recesses of your mind? Have you been trying to convince yourself that the stench of time is not so bad after all? That the taint of the expiration date stamped on your life and labor is just “the way it is”? Are you on the same path as Rockefeller who, when asked how much money is enough, replied, “Just a little more”? Are all of your earthly pursuits so vain that you don’t even recognize that they’re so vain? "

  15. Have you realized that everything just is? Actually beyond 'isness'.  Anything you call it doesn't come close to describing it.

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