
Have you ever received a compliment that you later thought may be a backhanded insult?

by  |  earlier

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ssıʞ ♥ kiss




  1. someone told me I'm a "hot mess"....i'm still not quite sure about that one...

  2. Yup And Later I Beat Her Up!

  3. Beautiful disaster .....could be good .....could be bad


    No hun that's actually a great compliment... unless the person was acting sarcastic... you can usually tell. I'm almost 39 and when people go 'no way' when I tell them I'm flattered!!

  4. Haha when people say, wow you look so pretty now. Its like what was I before, ugly or something lol

  5. I think so

  6. Yes.  Enough times that I pay little attention if any to compliments given.

  7. no....when people insult me, they tend to be very direct about it.  

  8. naw,they're usually good or bad.never like that

  9. Yeeeeees I can see where that might be taken wrong, but that is also your turn to do them one better.  Something along the lines of: You look pretty good too for a kid with a large snot dripping out of your nose..

  10. some one told me I look so hot when walking away,,, it was 98.   outside today

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