
Have you ever risked your current job to find another?

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Have you ever risked your current job to find another?




  1. If your not happy with your current job then there is no problem getting something better for yourself that makes you happy. The trick is to not tell anybody you work with even on lunch or breaks even in the bathroom, there are always nosy people. Don't even tell your close co-workers. Once you find something you can tell everyone and say you wasn't sure about the move so you didn't want to tell everyone. You spend a lot of your life at work, so it should be something your happy with. I've done it 2 times without any problems by keeping everything a secret until i'm sure.

  2. It depends on what you mean by "risk". A few years back I worked at a well known museum, which was great, but my boss was a sociopath. We shared an office space so whenever he was out of the office I would search the web for a new job. Then one day I submitted my resume to a company's job site and within minutes they emailed me back. They wanted me to call them right away for an interview. Of course right then my psycho boss walked in. So I made up an excuse to leave the office, found an empty meeting room, locked the door and called them on my cell. They wanted me to come in that week for an interview, so I scheduled it for Thursday. Then Thursday morning I called my boss and told him that I had to see the doctor that morning because of "female problems" and that I would be in later. I went to the interview, got the job and the following Monday gave my notice. I ended up staying with that company for eight years. So it was a good thing.

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