
Have you ever sat on a toilet the wrong way round?

by  |  earlier

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Either on purpose or by mistake!




  1. Sure when I was young.

  2. Haha, no! thats crazy, x.

  3. Yes. With the lid down, and, with a United Stewardess from Seattle (resembling a book with a guaranteed erection on every page) 'riding' me like Scobie Breasley!

  4. Yes - what of it?!

    I feel that you should try everything at least once in life... and i gotta say i found in quite comfy! :o)

  5. Yes, when i was about six, 11 years ago, I thought it would be 'fun'. haha xx

  6. Yes.

    I had a sunburn on my back, and was terrified I'd lean.

  7. Nah...cant remember me doing that...but I usually have my head down the toilet like normal people after a party with heavy drinking...But but...who the h**l would...huh...other way round...thats...well...thats bloody tricky

  8. no never dont think it easy to make that mistake even with too much alcohol and i dont intent on doing it purposely what would hat be achiving

  9. Now that's an interesting question

  10. No, can't say I have. But I have accidentally sat on the toilet when my son's toilet seat was still on - not something I wish to repeat in a hurry!

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