
Have you ever saved a doggy or any animal?

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i rescued my 1 year old jack Russell milo from his original owner who was a family member of mine, i found out he beated him, staved him and just pure neglect. his reason for his cruelty he got bored of him!

the family member has ben dealt with :D

hes now my doggy and hes broken leg has been pinned hes putting weight on and is starting to get on with my yorkie toby 11 years old

have you ever saved a dog ,took a stray in or adopted a shelter dog or any animal? thanks :D

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  1. I found a stray pup on the side of the road one day.  She was alive, but not moving much.  When I touched her, she cried.  I assumed she had been either hit by a car, or thrown from one. :(

    I am a single mom, and could not really afford any vet bills, so I called around my area asking vet offices if they helped special cases.  I found a vet that offererd to check her out and fix her up for around 60 bucks. She had a sprained leg and I also got her vaccinated.

    I nursed the pup back to health and found her a good home.  I couldn't keep her because dogs were not allowed in my apartment.  

    I keep contact with the people who I gave her to and she is alive, healthy and very happy.  

  2. all of my pets have been rescues. and all of my dogs have been pitt bulls. love pitt bulls. Iggi wandered up my driveway, he used to be a fighting dog. never met a sweeter dog.  

  3. I've rescued and found homes for everything from dogs, cats, bunnies, birds, reptiles, and fish. My house is a home-based animal rescue.

  4. i adopted my dog from a shelter. i've taken in countless stray dogs from the streets.  i volunteer at my local animal shelter and my ambition is to open a shelter in St. Martin. when i went on vacation there, there were stray dogs everywhere! it was soo sad. no one wanted to take them in and there was no shelter for them to go to. i can't beleive how people can do that kind of thing to animals! there is never any excuse. i cry every time i watch animal cop shows. they are sooooo sad! those poor animals!

  5. Yes, all 6 of our pets are the left-over "unadoptables" from when my girlfriend did animal rescue.  They are a handful but I wouldn't trade them in for anything.

  6. I actually foster rescued dogs, getting them ready to be adopted in the loving and nuturing environment they should have had!  There is nothing like the feeling that you saved a life.  It is extremely painful to let them go, but the tears shed are also from a sense of joy knowing they are going on to a better life and I can save another.  My son is also growing up knowing the definition of humanity.

    My current foster had a very sad life in that he started in a puppy mill for at least a 1.5 yrs.  He had no real medical treatment, including for the the cherry eye condition he developed.  Instead of dealing with it (as that would cost money), the woman sold him to a family for $50.  Unfortunately, this family was ill-equipped both emotionally and financially to handle the responsibility.  He lasted in that environment with no care (and his eye condition continuing) for another 1.5 years.  

    Finally, the family was smart enough to put the dog in rescue where he received the appropriate medical care and surgery on his eye.  When he arrived to me about a week later, he was diagnosed with pneumonia and almost died.  With a lot of care (and unbelievable attention from the vet), he is saved.  We have worked with him to housetrain and all the obedience such that he responds to verbal and hand signal commands.

    What I have found consistently with all these rescues is that they are the most loving and sweet dogs.  All they want is human interaction and affection and will be your very best friend!  There really is no better reward than seeing the looks they give you to say thank you for saving me!

  7. My family and I have foster several dogs for a local shelter.  We also found a home for a stay that just showed up at our house one day, and a dog that someone called us and asked us to find it a home.  We also got one of our cats because it showed up hurt and needed a vet, after he was better he just never left.  The dog we have now was adopted from a shelter and in a week we are driving 8 hours one way to adopt another dog.

  8.     yes , I rescued a sackfull of puppies from drowning, they had been thrown into a lake and the person didn't see me on the other side. as soon as I realized what they had thrown in the water, I went and dove in and grabbed the sack;  all four pups lived.

  9. Both of my dogs are rescues.

    My GSDx, Bailey, saved another dog's life by giving blood when I worked at a vet clinic a few years back.  

  10. Kudos to you! Yes, a few years ago we were driving down a road and had to stop in the middle of the road because there was a female Cocker Spaniel standing in the road. We pulled the car over and my husband went to three houses before he found the owner. The owner took her and put her on a six foot chain tied to a tree. A few days later we went down the same road, and the same dog was in the middle of the road. Again, my husband went to the owner and knocked on the door. We knew they were home because the front door was open, and cars were in the driveway. He stood there for several minutes but the owners would not come to the door. We decided they didn't want her, so we brought her home, and loved and cared for her until she died several years later.

  11. Yes, both my dogs and my rabbit, and my rat! *whew*

    My dog even saved my rabbit! (Stormy night, ......)

  12. I adopted my dog, four cats, and five hamsters. Have fostered about one dozen dogs and cats. My sister and I helped a family of ducklings that were stuck in the street and couldn't get to their mom to get to water. I have picked up more stray cats than I can remember and brought them to the shelter. I have been an animal behavior counselor for 11 years; I know that some of my clients have kept their pets instead of surrendering them to a shelter or putting them down after getting my advice.

    Oh! And how could I forget? My friend and I picked up a baby raccoon that kept wandering into traffic on one of Chicago's expressways. Such a cutie! Bottle fed her overnight and then took her to a rehab.

  13. nop.

  14. Four of my cats I rescued as stray babies, three were starving and almost dead. The other two I adopted from the shelter. I also took in one of my dogs as a stray.

  15. Yes, all my life. Its wonderful to save animals from morons like that.  

  16. Many times over:)  Digger and Cashews were "throw aways" one with a broken leg due to a kick at 8 wks old, the other almost drown in a 5 gallon cow water bucket, two others were shelter rescues:)  That's the cats

    the dogs well Zake was a "throw away at 12 yrs", Dutch, Doodle, were pound puppies, and Daisy a owner give up (JRT at 2 yrs.), and new boy Drift a White Shepherd was also a private owner adoption:)  My horse was from my sister in law, the 3 chickens, goose and rabbit were all also rescues:)  All of them are in one way or the other.

    I've also done animal wildlife rehab, lots to many to count:)  Plus number or animal I've taken home from the shelter to bring back to health or train then try to find another home, so I quess you can call it fostering.

  17. I love animals, and volunteer for wildlife rehabilitation all the time.

    Personaly, I saved a 2 year old border collie who was fed good, but neglected and beaten all the time. She wouldn't let anyone touch her for a year, but she didn't bite THAT hard, so I would let her bite me and still love on her, and now I can pick her up, she jumps in my lap, won't take food from anyone else, and still won't let anyone else touch her. But, she's fine with other animals. Cats and dogs.

    Another was a calico cat that me and my sis found on our roof when we were twelve. Don't know how she got there, but we named her shingle, and she wouldn't come near us, but we kept putting food and water up there for her, and she eventualy became an inside cat because she followed us inside before. ^.^ Love animals

  18. yup every cat in our house was a stray =D (including one that passed away a few years ago)

    one of them is even named 'Stray' lol

  19. <-------- I TOOK HIM IN !!!!! He was just dumped off on a front door step and the people couldn't take care of him .. so I took him in . I haven't regreted anything .

  20. I save a sheep once. It had rolled on it's back during the night and couldn't roll over.

    I told a farmer friend later and he said that often do that and the usually die.

    Please don't ask why I was in a field of sheep early in the morning!

  21. Yes, I once saved a baby owl with my dad. It fell out of its nest in our barn and could not get back up. It was too young to fly, so we had to put it back up there... With very thick gloves!!

    Also we rescued our dog, Missee, from abusers-They locked her in closets for days, and didnt feed her enough, and beat her, and we know she was somehow abused with a bike and bike helmet, because she is still VERY afraid of them after 6 years. She also is scared of water even though she is part Border Collie-Maybe someone tried to drown her!! *Cry* OMG my poor baby girl !!!

    Also,  have rescued many spiders by sitting next to them and anyone who tried to squish them I would push away...

    And I am not sure if this could be called rescuing but I think so:

    There was a Husky girl wandering down our street with a plastic-coated wire  around her neck, but it was like a collar, very loose, so I did not worry. I took the leash off my dog and sent her home, then put the leash on the husky and took her into our back yard. We fed her and found her owner about 3 hours later... She was adorable and a little part of me was hoping we wouldnt find her owners so I could keep her-She was so happy and bouncy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      Moon Wolf

  22. Yes. I have saved my friends dogs plenty of times. They get out of their fence all the time and they run all over. I will go out and grab them before a car comes by and hits them.

  23. I have 1 cat from a shelter 1 cat from going to a shelter and a small dog from feesing in the cold Feb winter...  

  24. yes i just got  a puppy and i don't know the breed but i know he needs love

  25. Yep, I rescued my kitty and she was the best pet ever :)

    She had no behavioural problems or anything, unlike my pedigree pom, who I brought from a breeder, but I still love him aswell :)

  26. my bichon i actually found running around in my neighborhood. i saw some kids throwing rocks at him so i brought him home. he was in terrible shape. he was matted almost to the point of being unrecognizable. one eye was fully matted over and i thought he might be missing an eye. i also thought he was an older dog b/c of his condition. i took him to the groomers and had him shaved down. turned out he was a full blooded bichon only about a year old. i named him lucky. hes now 7 years old and my little shadow.

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