
Have you ever saved a life before ??

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When i was 14 i saved my cousins life as he nearly choked to death have you ever experienced this before??




  1. yepp when i was 13 i saved ma bro, he had a magnifier glass and it caught the sun and caught fire in his bedroom, i had to go in and save him cause he felt to dizzy to get out =[

  2. Yes, i've saved 3 lives, one a close friend who came through a window & ended up suspended trough it, with glass in his neck, through the artery. My friend has called me his lighthouse ever since, he says i'm the light of his life = because i saved it.

    Another who sliced his wrist on a glass pane, & a poor motor cyclist, who met with a car, head on.

    Lucky i'm a trained first aider.

  3. of course! I am Sister Gomez and I am god. SISTER GOMEZ IS GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. well the only time i could think of is my ex-bf was breaking up with me at the library and he was standing with his back turn to some moving escalator and i didn't push him down them...therefore i saved his life.

    P.S. to panix  u did save ur brother life u are a hero be proud

  5. Yes. I am the kind of person who never leaves a friend to by themselves or leave him or her behind. It's a good thing I do that too.

  6. i kinda saved my brother's life when he was choking and couldnt breathe.

    but i wouldnt call it a live saving experience much too much.

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